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Ported Ba/bf Inlet Manifold

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I agree wholeheartly with what you are saying Jet. But I believe that the neccessary/required turbulence is created by the runners that the manifold/plenum bolts to. Just look at a PW, Plaz, or Nizpro plenums on the whole, they are as smooth as a babies buttuck. So Mick that comment may have come a little soon. I feel that the goal here is to allow as much available air to the intake runners as possible. This can only be achieved by reducing friction. Now please don't get me wrong, this mod isn't going to compete with the increases that a good aftermarket plenum provides, but it will improve the factory items efficiency. Remember folks these are mass produced items. They are made to be cost effective, not to a standard. These are Fords not Ferrari's. Also I think that its important to highlight "Rednoses" comment about a mid 10 second car, and said car's tuner response.


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What about off boost inlet pulsing ?

Could there actually be a reason for sizing to maintain positive and negative waves ?

If it was a simple as making it bigger would they not of done it from the get go or do u think that at anything under 300rwkw would just kill the off boost efficiency and gain next to zip for the amount of flow ??

Its all iffs and butts unless the proof pudding come out to play

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Go for it. Get hold of a manifold gasket(metal) mark with scribe. You will see how much can be taken off opening to inlet runners (3-4mm all round). You can open up the inlet from T/B considerably to match T/B opening, and improve airflow path to 1 and 6.


What cylinder is the most likely to lean out and melt first on B series barras?

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years ago, the top head guys would port and polish a cylinder heads and inlet manifolds runners, it was then found that a little turbulence was good on the inlet side as it kept the fuel and air mixed together rather than seperating, with EFI cars we do not really have these issues but the last few years it has been found that a textured surface can in certain applications creat a cushion of air which keeps the air speed up of any passing air, many items these days that are trying to cheat the air will use a dimpled surface rather than the previously smooth surface, but as Jet has said unless flow testing has been carried out, we are all just guessing

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Golf ball is the classic example and I was going to mention it but I thought them some might argue that it is about lift rather than airflow, but it is based around the same principal

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  • Member For: 14y 7m 19d
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The surface in the plenum is certainly not dimpled, actually the opposite. Im sticking to the theory "Path of least resistance". Certainly some good comments and idea's all the same. Mick I have also read that by providing a polished intake or port is detrimental. But I don't believe that the plenums role is to create turbulence. This occurs within the runners, this is exactly why bolt on plenums produce results.


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