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Blood Donation


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On Tuesday just gone, my sister was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukaemia. While the first doctor she saw prior to that diagnosed her with "clumsiness and the flu", the second doctor she saw actually went to the effort to do a blood test...and this was the result.

Due to this, she's going to be relying on blood and platelet transfusion for a while.

I've always donated blood in the past, and she has in the past too (nothing wrong with her red blood cells), so this is a chance to give back to her.

1 in 3 people will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime, but only around 1 in 30 donate. This number needs to improve.

It doesnt hurt much, and it could save someones life. As horrible as this is, one day it could be you, or a loved one, that needs a transfusion.

So please, if you are allowed to donate, please do so. http://www.donateblood.com.au/

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I’m really sorry to hear that Adie, hope she’s doing OK. That was nice of the first doctor to completely fck things up. :pinch:

I have been a donor for a few years and it really isn’t too much of an effort to go to. I do platelet apheresis which means that unlike a normal whole blood donation your red blood cells are pumped back in so you can donate every four weeks rather than three months. And the beauty of it is you don’t feel drained or lethargic afterwards like most do after a whole blood donation…you essentially can walk straight out and other than the tape on your arm it’s like nothing ever happened.

I actually look forward to doing it, have an hour where the phone is off and you can’t be disturbed by any bastard!

Have never had any complications and the needle insertions have always been spot-on, so for anyone contemplating it but are a bit scared to go through with it…don’t be. You’ll be well looked after by awesome professionals.

...and you get sausage rolls and all sorts of goodies when you're done! :w00t2:

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Sorry to hear about the news Adie but good on you for creating some awareness

I try to get to the blood bank as often as I can and I don't know why more people don't do it - the 2 seconds of pain from the needle is nothing compared to what some people have to endure while in hospital, not to mention the fact that you get a free milkshake and some raisin toast after you have donated!!!

Don't forget that you can also simply donate plasma, this takes a bit longer but plasma donations are just as important. The benefit here is that you can donate plasma every couple of weeks as the process returns your red blood cells back to your body once the plasma has been separated.

Edit: What he said ^^^^

Trust another fat ass to mention the free food.... :rolleyes:

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  • I <3 Floods
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Good on ya Adie! sh*t news though.. My old man gets a blood transfusion every fortnight at the moment so its definitely great to get people donating.. Means alot to some people!

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Thanks guys.

I've been slack with my iron levels recently, but I'll be donating in a few weeks once the supplements have kicked back in. Should never have stopped taking them. I donated regularly up to a year ago, but had to stop because my anaemia got out of control. its mostly back in check though :)

I understand that there are situations where people cant donate, but if you're scared, or apathetic...maybe its time to reconsider.

Its great to know that there are people on here who donate already.

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Sorry to hear about your sister Adie.

I have always thought about it but never acted on it as I absolutely hate needles.

If someone can inform me of a place melbourne where the nurses feel for the vein rather than looking for it (these ones never miss, never hurt) then I will begin donating asap.

Edited by The Converted
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  • I <3 Floods
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I've had some shockers p@..

But I think they were uni students not actual nurses.. The more experienced ones are great though because apparently I have wiggly veins..

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