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Zf 'milkshake' In My Bfii, What Now?


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Trying not to swear...

Have arrogantly ignored my ZF clunking etc for the last 2 weeks (work work work), last couple of days has been really bad, to the point that the engine revs are unstable at low revs or idle when in gear, sometimes grinding noises in 2nd 3rd 4th and so on (the typical milkshake symptoms). Lifted the bonnet at the servo today, and I have icebreak in my coolant overflow.

Have reviewed a few forum posts with no 'where to nows', so to speak (including http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/75623-zf-auto-milkshake/)

So where to now?

Is my gearbox rooted, and I will def need a rebuild? OR

At this point, is it possible I could try installing one of those external trans oil cooling kits, flush the coolant and trans oil, give the ZF a service (filter, clean etc) and hope for the best? Is it not even worth that work, should I just trailer it to somewhere and have the ZF rebuilt?

I come here as im in central QLD with no one within 400km that can look at it....

Thanks in advance:headbang2:

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And has anyone had a milkshake then successfully installed a trans cooler kit and gave the ZF and coolant a good flush and service, and the ZF was fine?

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Nope its stuffed... Once the zf is contaminated your basically up for a new box/ complete rebuild the mechatronics will also be stuffed and that's the big one. Zf charge $1000 more for an exchange box if its been contaminated

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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Where abouts in CQ mate, if your planning to mod I would stick it on a pallet and get it built, if your not chasing power I would start looking for a second hand zf

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Thanks for ya responses

Nope its stuffed... Once the zf is contaminated your basically up for a new box/ complete rebuild the mechatronics will also be stuffed and that's the big one. Zf charge $1000 more for an exchange box if its been contaminated

What ya mean by 'zf charge more for an exchange box if its been contaminated?'

Where abouts in CQ mate, if your planning to mod I would stick it on a pallet and get it built, if your not chasing power I would start looking for a second hand zf

Am in clermont, 100km to emerald, 300km to mackay.

Im not looking for power, this is my everyday n/a xr6 (t56 in the xr6t thank f^k), know any dealers that sell refurbished ones? Or just keep an eye on ebay etc?

I remember reading something about the computer in the car not working with second hand ZF's, is this correct?

Thanks in advance

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I mean exactly that... Not really many other ways to put it lol

dont worry... lol my bad. after some googling saw ZF is a brand, not a product... anyway moving on, lol

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Anyone know what the go is with the computer in the car and a different trannie? im told I have to get a brand new tranny (or computer) because one is eternally linked to the other supposedly

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If you get a 2nd hand box you need to fit your original mechatronics unit, but inless it is stripped down and cleaned thoroughly you will have issues down the track due to corrosion in the piston bores etc causing valves to stick

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