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Proposed Tougher Hoon Laws For Qld


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  • skids
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  • Member For: 12y 11d
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Punish the person!

Somebody well off who gets their car taken off them isn't going to be affected as much as somebody who isn't as well off and loses their car.

In my opinion they should just be made to do community service as that punishes the well off person the same as the not so rich person.

However the reasons here are just bullcrap, too much is left to the officers discretion and as people have mentioned "the sort of day they are having". I do think its a lot to do with how you speak to the cop but some cops are just pricks.

Edited by johnxr6t
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  • I <3 Floods
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  • Location: South West QLD

Dude someone who's well off could lose a $100,000 car.. Compared to not so well off person losing at $1500 car.. You honestly think the well off person is getting off easy?

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  • skids
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Dude someone who's well off could lose a $100,000 car.. Compared to not so well off person losing at $1500 car.. You honestly think the well off person is getting off easy?

Nobody is getting off easy, I don't believe the government has a right to take somebodies property like this and consider it theft.

somebody who's got a $1500 car might only earn not much per week compared to the guy with the 100k car.

I see your point though, I think I was thinking on another planet when I was writing the previous post.

Also what happens if you owe money on the car? like if they sell it and it doesn't sell for what's owing on it?

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Be good if these pollies actually did something constructive instead of drumming up votes by beating a dead horse.

In Victoria 25% of road fatalities are alcohol related yet all we hear about is hoon laws getting tougher. I'm not condoning hooning at all but these laws aren't the answer to saving lives. They are hit and miss and end up affecting the wrong offenders.

Facing a real issue like alcoholism, drug abuse or drink driving won't win politicians votes as trying to stop drinking would be seen as unAustralian and attacks your average joe not the vile criminals that hoon drivers are made out to be.

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  • Member For: 18y 4m 14d

Short sighted, unsustainable, not addressing the root cause, must be a recent Government decision in this country.

Any danger of some real leadership from anywhere, someone with some vision and direction beyond a 3 year term?

If a significant percentage of the population started having their cars crushed, think of the downward effect on everyone's personal economy, and the greater effects as a result:

Average Joe, makes average money, has a mortgage/pays rent and some sort of finance for his car.

His car is crushed. He still owes the remaining money on it, but he needs a motor vehicle to live his life, earn the money to pay the loans, etc, presumably because public transport doesn't work where he lives, so he is forced to go further into debt to continue keeping his head above water. However, due to his significantly reduced cashflow the car he can afford is likely to be significantly older, and therefore assumedly less safe, and less fuel efficient. Furthermore, he now has less disposable income to spend on anything.

If they want to change a behaviour, then they need to get into people's heads and educate, not discipline. Carrot, not stick!

Can anyone imagine how successful the anti-smoking campaigns that my generation has grown up with (education in schools about the effects, the consequences, the contents, ads on TV, etc) would have been if they were replaced by banning smoking everywhere and fining people (or worse) for smoking offences?

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  • I <3 Floods
  • Silver Donating Members
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  • Location: South West QLD


Also what happens if you owe money on the car? like if they sell it and it doesn't sell for what's owing on it?****

This is something I want answered..

What if someone has traded for a new car and there was negative equity on the last one.. They may owe $45k on a car that sells at auction for $32k..

That's essentially stinging that person with a $13k fine..

What happens if its a company car? Eg: my work has one SS which belonged to the boss and has since become a town car for whenever utes are in for servicing etc..

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  • Sucker
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...someone with some vision and direction beyond a 3 year term?


Was hoping the new conservative govt in Qld might show a bit of that, and they have with a lot of things, but sadly the 'hooning' agenda is still there. Morons.

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  • Member For: 16y 11m
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This is incredible I can't believe this is going to happen.

This will kill the aftermarket scene in QLD and people will just drive stockers everywhere except the track.

I don't think QLD will get any car enthusiasts visiting from the other states if they fear their car can be confiscated. And WTF? something legal in NSW can be classified as illegal in QLD and there goes your car whilst you are on holiday.

Instead of Govt's cracking down on drink driving and eliminating single lane high volume highways that are responsible for 25% of deaths on roads...they go for the easy cash cow.

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