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Proposed Tougher Hoon Laws For Qld


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That's right xr6t ute. Real criminals are too hard to catch. Too much paperwork and no easy money for the Gov. Just keep hammering the motorist for any income that the taxes haven't already taken. We have a drug house 2 doors from us. Many people, including us have spoken to the cops about it and every time, the response is the same. "I've never heard of it before." Strange. As most people in town know of it. Laziness and greed. It's everywhere.

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  • loitering with intent
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It's that ignorance that's got us where we are.

k. Was a deciding factor in getting rid of the G6ET, but this new stuff is a farkin joke.

Come across an overzealous cop and you could be proper fcked as it's all open to their interpretation.

What you driving now ?

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there is an article in S/M mag about this horsesh*t, a lobby group is starting up with kevin bartlett heading it. dont know if it will do any good though. that moron jack dempsey is doing his best to bring back the police state that's for sure. heres an example of the current laws- a work mate chirped his back wheels changing into second unintentionally,cop going the other way saw the little puff coming from the back wheels,4 court appearances later workmate got to keep his car but at a cost -court fees etc..- what a complete joke this is, traffic branch-its where all the inbred cops go.

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  • Sucker
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That was a similar scenario I was pulled up for. On the way to work in the middle of the night responding to an alarm, left the traffic lights and there was crap on the road so lost traction under acceleration.

Traction control was on and stopped it fairly quickly but the reaction from the man-hating bitch of a cop that was treating me as if I was a child killer was unbelievable. Threatened all sorts of things and told me to think of my family etc. before doing stupid sh*t.

She really cracked the sh*ts when I suggested that as I was actually responding to an alarm perhaps they should follow me to not only verify my story but also perhaps assist with some real police work should it be required. (She unsurprisingly declined this offer which led me to lodge a formal complaint...the response was those officers are with the traffic branch and not general duties so it is not their priority or some crap)

The decision to not proceed with charges was purely based on my traffic history, had there have been any recent fines I’d say the outcome would have been a bit different.

I sent an email to your mate Jack yesterday so will be interesting to see if there is a meaningful response.

Buffy – no idea what your point is or where you are going with that.
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  • loitering with intent
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  • Location: Zombie Birdhouse

where's the pix farkin. you know the rules. It's a turbo yeah ?

No longer have magic Mod powers

Edited by Buf-Phoon
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