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Friday Night Cruises

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Nah I don't think anyone did. From what I gather it was pretty good but there was a couple of idiots amongst the pack.

Someone crashed into an s 15 and isn't owning up so that's kind of a disappointment. They're trying to figure out who it could have been

20/21 isn't any good for me but 27/28 would be alright. Assuming its just a single day thing. I generally need at least one day on a weekend for uni work.

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yea :/ the RH group isn't really the best thing to be hanging with. Since moving out though I wont be going as much (working on this saving money stuff).

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Yeah RH have a pretty bad rep sad really just a bunch of people wanting to have a little fun with no place to really go and do it. To be honest something needs to be done for all Canberran's who wish to play with there cars. Drag strip should be re-opened once a month or epic so they can go and drop there burn outs in a controlled environment.

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I completely agree Daniel but I don't see that happening any time soon! I really can't see why we can't have say epic open to public drivers on friday nights when there's nothing on there and open up the burnout track and let people carry out their antics there. At the end of the day you're not insured in there so you enter at your own risk and leave it at that

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Opening EPIC for burnouts only on a Friday night will never happen. There would have to be public liability insurance, an ambulance on standby, fire marshalls, possible security. Look at all the bogans already in Braddon.... and its illegal to pull skids on a public road! Multiply that by 100 (give the bogans in VN's somewhere legal to pull skids) and you can see the trouble it would introduce.

I totally agree with the dragway out at the airport needs to be re-opened. It was promised by the current ACT government that a site would be found for motoring enthusiasts. Aparrently there is money set aside for it..... it has all probably been blown on prostitutes and flying their families to the USA.

RAPID is linked to RUS, to notify the traffic officer of unregistered/uninsured plates only.

If the officer was "writing down plates" id say it was for future reference only. Or more of a scare tactic. Which seems to have worked......

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Mick, you have made some very good points.

Epic Skid Nights - the other thing to consider along with the requirement for public liability insurance, emergency services and security is the EPA Act. The maximum allowable noise limit for Exhibition Park is 45db. The Summernats organisers purchase event noise credits at a great cost from the ESD to allow a maximum of 65db during permitted hours (see doc). So, sadly I would have to agree that this workaround for the lack of a permanent facility is never going to be approved.

http://www.edo.org.au/edoact/factsheets/Summernats fact sheet.pdf

Dragway - I have attached a FAQ fact sheet from 2006, which shows a feasibility study (where a track would be viable) had been completed and the ACT government was committed to an 8 million dollar contribution towards the facility (total estimated cost would be closer to 13 million, for a complete internationally licenced 1/4 mile strip). Yet, here we are some 15 years on since the closure, without a dragway. As the current Minister for Sport and Recreation Andrew Barr, thinks such a facility would be too loud and not cost effective.

Doesn't the RAPID system also pull information from the Police Real Time Online Management Information System (an administrative system used for recording investigations and operational information) ?

True, writing down number plates is an old police scare tactic, just like when you are pulled over and the officer says, they will send you the infringement notice in the mail. More often than not, nothing further happens.


Edited by Fryer of Tyres
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Did not know about the db limits at EPIC! I live across the road and if I have to listen to barking dogs at night I don't see why I can't listen to cars doing burnouts lol

Yea the dragway is a pity. I don't think it'll ever come about. I think it's definitely viable but because the establishment costs it's a big risk if it all goes under. When you think about it WSID only really caters for half of Sydney, Most people aren't going to travel 2 hours from the other side of Sydney on a wednesday night to race but people from Canberra would be willing to travel to a track here because furthest you'd have to travel is 1 hour MAX!

Maybe if someone wants it enough they can't start petitioning and fund raising and make it a 5 year or even 10 year plan for ACT, but that'll be a lot of work

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Brings back grand memories (for me anyway) of the old Tralee speedway. Me and my dad used to take our XC, put a blanket on the bonnet and sit on it, park it on the bank and watch the Sprintcars and Grand Nationals absolutely scream around the dirt oval. And duck your heads as they came around, and showered you with dirt...

Then along came Jerrabomberra.

On a semi quiet night, you could hear the sprintcars from my mum n dads place in Gilmore! I would give anything to be able to take my little boy to something like that. Hopefully Parramatta is still going when he is old enough.

Unfortunately I think any sort of motorsport complex for the ACT is dead and buried.

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I'm hitting RJs tonight between 7:30 and 8:00, but won't be cruising into Braddon. From what I saw a couple of weeks ago there's too many wankers cruising in doing stupid sh*t (no, not all of them were), and I can do without the aggrevation.

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