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Assault 5:35Pm 18Th Feb - Hay St W. Perth - Info Wanted


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this sort of garbage is why I took up krav magar 2 years ago, the world is going mad I do near a 1000kms a week in sydney traffic, thankfully ive never had to use what I have learnt as I avoid it at all costs. I dont even beep at people anymore unless its really dangerous. Had a guy today texting on the M4 and he ran me off into the break down lane I beeped and he wanted to pull over and fight me I just kept driving.

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this sort of garbage is why I took up krav magar 2 years ago, the world is going mad I do near a 1000kms a week in sydney traffic, thankfully ive never had to use what I have learnt as I avoid it at all costs. I dont even beep at people anymore unless its really dangerous. Had a guy today texting on the M4 and he ran me off into the break down lane I beeped and he wanted to pull over and fight me I just kept driving.

No reflection on yourself, but have seen quite a few trained fighters/self defence artists fall apart the first time they get a real hit, pretty much all their training goes out the window.

The only exception in bulk to this is boxers and some kick boxers, as they normally cop full force hits in their training

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  • skids
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I beeped someone that was driving all over the road and txting on their phone, like just once, really short beep. Completely set them off at me!

Next minute we are lined up side by side on a dual carriageway and as he went to force me off the road I floored it and got up to about 180kmh, I think I did not need to go that fast to get away but you don't know who is in another car or what they may be armed with, so I got the hell outta there :P

It's reasons like that why I now have a dash camera! get one people! Get one that can clearly ID numberplates of other cars.

Trust me, it would have paid off as I could have taken the footage to police of someone trying to run me off road (but they woulda seen the GPS speed stamped on video :P).

But I've always had it said to me that a coward lives longer. I don't mean you are at all a coward OP, but damn it's lucky this person did not try to do anything more and you are all okay. I have ALWAYS tried to simply get away from fights/not fight at all/etc and it has paid off.

I would like more discussion on dash cams on this forum, there probably already are threads about them but it would really be great if more people would spend the money on one.

Edited by johnxr6t
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No reflection on yourself, but have seen quite a few trained fighters/self defence artists fall apart the first time they get a real hit, pretty much all their training goes out the window.

The only exception in bulk to this is boxers and some kick boxers, as they normally cop full force hits in their training

krav magar training is heavy contact, its a form of street fighting its nothing like a martial arts karate etc. the training I do is real world stuff scenarios etc not uncommon to come out of a traning session with a black eye or a split lip bleeding nose. did boxing as a teen but this is heaps better in the real world. But totally agree with some of the martial arts.

Edited by gsd112
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No offense taken Johnxr6t, I'm a lover not a fighter as they say. Never thrown a punch myself, this is the first time I've been hit too. I'm glad he wasn't a stronger hitter or tried to pull me out of the car etc., could have been fatal in worst case scenario, we've all seen the one hit deaths.

The result of his efforts, already swelling up after a minute. Bit of a low angle on the shot just to make it look funnier for you all :)


Edited by -SteveR-
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you'd be a bit sore the next day...

I find just letting things go the best way. so someone cuts you off- so what...

plus I gotta be extra courteous now I have my sign writing done and phone numbers pasted all over my car....

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Yeah the cartilage in the middle is sooooooooooooore. Went to pick some dried blood out and pushed it sideways - OUCH.

Shouldn't have gone in to work today, thought I was right but man was I tired by the end of the day. Taking tomorrow off instead.

Good nature has served me well enough so far, no reason to change. Just need to remember to not sweat the petty stuff.

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