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Yea just checked not working.

In my history was the direct link to the ford page and there's an error. Must be under construction


If you're going there to look at their packages don't bother. The packages are ordinary for the price, better off discussing with them what you're interested in

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What is listed is a little vague.

I think when the time comes I'll just go in and talk to them, stating what I want done and what I want out of the car, and go from there. I'm still giving consideration to an engine rebuild (in another thread), or exchange engine, as the basis of the work to be done in order to get the desired result.

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Best off mixing and matching your own sourced components IMO. Some people say X brand works better if it's all brand X but really aslong as it all matches and is good quality you will get just as big power outputs.

I wouldn't get a package done as I'd prefer step it up and get used to each power limit as I go. You learn more about your car and it's limits in the process

Edited by DD-XR-6T
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^ but in saying that in terms of a built motor if you're gonna do it, do it properly. Other mods fair enough because they're relatively 'cheap'. I wouldn't want to do the motor in bits and pieces, the labour would kill your back pocket.

Went into the impound the other day for something and got chatting about a few things and by the sounds of it he isn't all that much cheaper than Gentech. By the sounds the tuners in Canberra seem to be relatively close price wise (doesn't surprise me, if they're all expensive there's no advantage and they all make more money lol)

In saying that if you work out exactly what you want it works out a lot cheaper. I found a lot of the local tuners have their packages and that's sort of it for a basic power level that doesn't take account of future goals etc

For example Gentech quotes $795 for you're injectors drilled and reflowed and they're capable of going to about 350rwkw. But you can source ID1000's from Herrod for $710 posted, $120 for fitting and so for $830 you have a better quality injector that is capable of 400+ and if you want you could probably sell your stock injectors for $50 and then you're financially better off too.

Provided you do some research and shop around for parts you can end up with a tune not that much more expensive than Sydney or Melbourne and the quality of the tune will be just as good

I've started gathering parts and my car is booked in for middle of July so if curious of prices and how things go PM me about then I can let you know

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Didn't read any of the above. Don't get on here often either.

Want serious performance? Forget the tuners in Canberra.

If you don't want to drive yeah GenTech aren't too bad seem to know what they are doing. Use to get my falcon worked on there cause it wasn't out of my way.


I've got 4 serious hp cars both 4 and 6 cylinder and they will be where I take every car.

I've pissed some serious dollars down the toilet with tuners in Canberra and have had mates do the same (one to the point they took the tuner to court and I believe that's still on going) I went to castle hill the fellas there knew exactly what I wanted and didn't get any random phone calls to say "oh we've missed this and here's another 500$".
Yeah it's a bit of a drive but considering the sh*t I've been through with tuners in town it's worth it.

Hope this helps.

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Yeah, I know someone who knows Dale at A Caastle Hill and I've read good things about the work coming out of there.

The idea with the bottom end is simply to strenghten it to handle more than 300rwkw safely, as it is a BAII. Initially I targeted that as what I wanted out of the car, but for peace of mind I think a rebuilt short motor is worth the dollars as this now has 247,000 Ks on it.

Stage 1 is planned just as making it breath in and out better, and moving the battery to the boot, whilst looking around at options on the short motor.

Once the bottom end is sorted the next stage will involve intercooler, injectors, valve springs, and probably reco or replace the current factory turbo.

All this turbo stuff is a learning curve, as I've always built and run tuff V8s, but I'm picking it up as I go. Thanks for the input as it all helps.

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