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Pwr Are Designing A New Zf Trans Cooler


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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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  • Member For: 14y 9m 15d
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  • Location: Gold Coast

Did you lose much fluids?

If you clamp the coolant lines as per the instructions then no. I jacked mine on passenger side only to minimise oil loss. It only just dribbled out of the holes in the trans. Due to the larger capacity of the cooler and the longer lines, you'll need just under a litre to top up the trans. I had mine serviced just before Easter so was nice and clean. Took the car back to them the next day and they topped it up for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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  • Member For: 14y 9m 15d
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  • Location: Gold Coast
Little update. I haven't done data logging but what I can say is the auto shifts perfectly. I did some spirited driving last Sunday including a mountain climb with plenty of high load, frequent shifts. One of the cars on the run had issues with his hi-performance clutch which has never presented before - including at the track. Once cooled down he was ok (so was the car, lol). I'm more than confident that mine will not go into limp mode with this cooler fitted based on that run. The main thing for me though is knowing the factory hand grenade is gone. Very happy with this product.
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  • 5 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 17y 11m 13d

Any noticed any coolant air lock issues after the PWR exchanger install?

I have one and it does my head in.

Only hear at start up as a running water type noise behind the dash.

BTW I have tried running the car with heater on and reservoir cap off, but has not helped. That it was only 12 degree days so may not by cycling past the thermo or opening.

Have flushed the FG before and never had an issue.

So wondering if this is a potential issue with how the coolant lines are run to the unit.

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  • Member For: 11y 11m 25d

If the instructions are followed, there will be no air-lock issues. The water sound behind the dash is usually the heater unit or not that you'd be using air-conditioning in winter, but the air conditioning system can make some funny noises when the TX valve opens.

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 13d

OK thanks ratter and PWRCOOL makes sense to me.

I did lose a fair bit of coolant during the install, as line clamps I have were rubbish! I topped the coolant so figure I have an air lock as I was unable to get the car up to adequate temp in the driveway. Was only 10 degrees last Saturday in Melbourne.

Perhaps I am also looking for or hearing a noise that was always there.

If I do have an air lock it should clear up eventually right? after a decent drive whereby the thermostat opens.

PS. The PWR heat exchanger unit was quite easy to install other than the transmission hose ends. Your instructions should state in BOLD do not even try to install the hose on the speed flow fitting if not using:

1. A vice

2. Hose ends left in almost boiling hot water to prep the hoses

3. A heat gun to further prep the hose end

4. Soap to lube the fitting

I found even with steps 1 - 4 above I still needed to use allot of force to get them to seat fully. That stated it was bloody cold in the garage on the day so the hoses were like ice when I started.

Cheers and well done on a great product.

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  • Member For: 11y 11m 25d

Yeah, those Speedflow pushlock fittings can be difficult to push on, but once they're on, they'll never blow off.

We chose pushlock hose to keep the cost of the kit down, but offer braided hose as an option (at a small cost)

The kit is extremely easy to fit, even for the DIY with little mechanical knowledge.

We are actually looking at doing a youtube video install guide very soon.

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