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Has Anyone Here Owned Both A Ve Ss Ute And A Fg Xr6T Ute?


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  • Member For: 16y 5m 23d
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As the title states I have owned both. First was the SS only pipes and now the turbo with a heap of mods.

If I had to start from scratch I would get the SS. I love my FG and they are a little less common than the VE but it just did it for me. The sound, the look and feel were all far better than my turbo IMHO.

My T would completely smash an SS with the same level of mods but who really cares? What's the point of having an almost 600hp daily if you're never really going to make the most of it?

Once again it's the SS for me. Wish I still had mine :-(

Edited by Wingnut
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  • Member For: 12y 1m 12d

Righto I'm a bike man totally unbiased to cars dont think they got bang for buck, but ive just traded my ve Bogan special ute on a 2013 xr6 turbo ute, the suspension is better in the falcon, the power is heaps better feeling, wheel spins into 3rd no worries fully stock, the falcon interior functionality is second to none, but the doesnt pack the throaty noise that the 6.0L v8 makes through the cab. I think value for money is much better with the falcon I went in totally unbiassed, and drove a sh*t tin of new utes, incl the clubby's etc settled with the lux pack xr6t manual - Im happy, as long as you dont want to mod the car because will kill warrenty - Hope that helps

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  • Member For: 13y 4m 12d
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I have a 2012 fg turbo ute,manual. The gearbox and driveline is noisy, sloppy and just generally crap,im on the third diff under warranty,never done a skid or dropped the clutch.If I had my time again I would have gotten a Expensive Daewoo ute or the auto version of the turbo,fords manuals are bloody shocking and heaps slower than an auto turbo,my ute gets real bad axle tramp also.

Dont get a manual ford ute!

If you plan to modify it get a ford if you want to keep it stock get a v8 holden.

90000km of hard driving in my stock manual fg turbo, never a problem. dont judge all the cars on the one lemon you got.

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ss ute:

better ride on rough roads

better seating position

v8 sound

good looks (but more common)


better fuel ecconomy


easier upgrades and power potential (I am running 400-460 rwkw

reliability (mines at over 200,000km my old mans caprice and brothers clalais with less than 50k on them have more issues.

better load carying

ding the rear tray a few times - no problems drop an new ebay one on for $400

I was dead set on a ss until I drive the xr6t - then I was sold - glad I did.

if I was to do it again now, I would stretch fro a GS (supercharged 5.0)

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