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Apple Ipod Thread (Merged Topic)

Velvet Glove

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I had a look at various fm radio transmitters etc a while ago. I ended up buying one from Jaycar for ~$50 that works off batteries (it's not the one that's on there now). It got a whine when plugged in. If everything is on batteries, it works fine.

From hunting around, it seemed that an isolation transformer might solve the problem, though I haven't bothered buying one to try it. Also, there's some good reviews on another product here.



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I see that the audiax DGT-201 is still available from minidisc.com.au for $70.00. As I said earlier...it cuts through the interference and has a very good strong signal.....makes all the others I've tried sound absolutely lame. Other than this....these FM transmitters are pretty much a hit and miss affair. One good resource for gauging performance is looking at the user reviews on Amazon.com. I will always consult this resource for feedback before committing to a purchase for a similar product offered in Australia. The reviewers are always happy to bag a dog of a product where warranted. Always good to learn from others mistakes.

However, even though the AudiaX takes a battery which doesn't last all that long...I run it off a previously disused cigarette adapter I found in my junk drawer.

On another point....for those in Sydney....I've found 103.7 to be the best clear frequency.

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I've never found an iPod FM transmitter that sounded anything less than poxy in any car.

I optioned my T with the boosted aux audio kit and then fitted the mobile phone presenter accessory with an ipod cradle screwed onto the end. Routed the cables under the shifter surround and drink holder to make a nice neat stealthy solution.

IMG_0504.JPG Hidden.

IMG_0505.JPG Presenter out

I'll probably end up installing a headunit in the tissue box slot using a BA-BF console adapter like these


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  • Sucker
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I had a look at various fm radio transmitters etc a while ago. I ended up buying one from Jaycar for ~$50 that works off batteries (it's not the one that's on there now). It got a whine when plugged in. If everything is on batteries, it works fine.

I think that's the key factor right there...try it without the power plugged in and see how you go.

Not a feasible solution but I'm pretty sure that'd be your major problem. Hook power up to any accessories and they whine more than MS700 :thumbsup: (ok, maybe not that bad, but I'm sure you get my point)

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Toecutter,I agree with everything you said.Only,to add to its problems,it doesnt really sit still in my power outlet.It moves side to side,and......I have allready had to replace one lighter barrel because it came out with the unit.I use it with the aux cable with my ipod touch.Sounds good and charges,looks good but it doesn't make me happy.Expensive cradle

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Bad news....

I got the update done and the iphone 3G with the car is a bit more reliable than it was. it still does this crazy thing where the call jumps from the cars bluetooth back to the phone over and over so that you can never actually speak or listen. either that or the phone and the car just don't communicate!

the problem with ipod touch jumping two songs is also still there.

I'm sure they did update it though because previously unreadable track names (symbols) have gone from


"No Name"

to this:

" nema"

rather than:

"Aenema" with some accentuation thingo on the A and the e

I hope they are still working on fixes... maybe even greater compatibility with the car too.

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Aaah, Tool. Great album that is.

I get " nema" too. iPod classic 120GB.

If only there was a quick easy way to scroll through 120GB worth of Albums. I find myself listening to a lot of Albums and Artists that start with A or B because everything else takes too long to scroll to.

Technology - great when it works and is easy to use! Not so great otherwise.


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Hey all

I just picked up my FG xr6 turb ute and the bluetooth works fine on my N95 but the Ipod connectivity work to a certain extent ie. the music will play through my cars sound system but on the screen it says the not compatible msg... Will the software update on my ipod fix this or will I need to get the ford software updated as well???

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I believe its on the Ford end mate, as far as we are aware they will be doing updates for the software periodically. These will be available through Ford service depts

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