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Apple Ipod Thread (Merged Topic)

Velvet Glove

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 26d

Im trying to gather ideas as to the best position to house my Ipod. I have the Ipod running of the audio input connection that Ford offer so any housing with the FM transmitter wont be of any help, but still interesting to see. Im ideally looking for something along these lines http://www.densionusa.com/icelink_info.htm any pictures would be of great help


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  • Member For: 21y 4m 30d
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I have mine mounted on the mobile phone cradle. But that's not much good if you have a phone mounted there!

I am interested in somehow hooking up the ipod so I can watch the video from it on the premium sound screen if anybody has any ideas.

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Im trying to gather ideas as to the best position to house my Ipod. I have the Ipod running of the audio input connection that Ford offer so any housing with the FM transmitter wont be of any help, but still interesting to see. Im ideally looking for something along these lines http://www.densionusa.com/icelink_info.htm any pictures would be of great help


(See above pictures L to R)

1 Car with phone presenter folded away - ie invisible no signs of mounting.

2 Phone presenter flipped out - this takes about 1 sec - note Velcro.

3 Phone attached by velcro to phone presenter and audio connceted to AUX input.

4 Reverse of phone showing Velcro attachments.

I use the Ford phone presenter fitted with velcro to mount a PDA phone which outputs MP3 and other audio to the AUX input. Works great. Folds away and is out of sight when not in use.

The system also works rather well as a phone hands free device, just using the phones existing mike and outputting through the car audio, without any further adaption.

You may consider using the same mounting system for your Ipod.

Ford phone presenter is about $30. Fitting takes a couple of minutes and involves driving one self tapping screw into the inside of the console.

Also, don't know if it fits the T but looks interesting.

Link to IPod/cradle/12V-plug/FM-Tx device



Edited by aiboart
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  • Member For: 19y 4m 26d

Ideally that is where I would like to be able to house my Ipod. The more I think about it, the more I believe that Velcro will be the way to go, although, I just wont have piece of mind attaching velcro.

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  • Member For: 18y 8m 24d

Hey shockF6,

I have a territory as well and have the ford boosted aux cable and when I run the Ipod or Tom Tom through off power there is just a minor whine (that occurs anyway if nothing is plugged in) but as soon as I plug in the cig charger I get serious whine, especially the Tom and when it goes to charge mode. Can your box fix this problem...Cheers

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  • Member For: 19y 3m 11d
  • Location: Melbourne

the charger whine is not fixed by the box because the whine isnt coming through the aux lead. well it is and it isnt, its really hard to explain, but basically, some switch mode chargers have been known to introduce a new point of difference in the ground of the audio system which as you know causes major whine.

Unfortunately the only way I have successfully been able to remove that whine is to use a fully isolated pure sign wave inverter and a normal house hold charger for your tom tom / ipod etc.

what that means is that you will not get much change out of $250 to fix the problem :idunno:

if your keen enough to fix it at that price then send me a message and ill let you know what you need to buy to fix the problem.

having said that, im working on cheaper methods to fix this problem, but at the moment there is only the one way that works.

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 26d

Got this at Kmart. I think was about $7. Does the trick for the ipod and almosts matches the silver.


Now we are getting closer, what is the name of the product?


Edited by byi
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