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Apple Ipod Thread (Merged Topic)

Velvet Glove

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Seen Cosmic 4 times tease.gif

I do have a question though....

What is the best unit to buy to plug my Ipod into a standard sterio???
What would the cost be??

Troy if you could help that would be great spoton.gif

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  • XR68UZ
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TUFXR6T. I bought a dock/charger off ebay. cost me about $20. works a treat part from the whine. it also charges your ipod for you while its plugged in. its connected to the firewire port, not the headphone port.

if only the aux input charged the ipod as well, as this is the main problem im having. whine, and my ipod battery is stuffed. (out of charge cycles)

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your a genius. can this work for my dock? it doesn't use the aux cable though, it uses the firewire port of the ipod

the box I have is only for the aux in cable. it is not for a wireless setup. you will need to use the head phone output for it to work with my box.

What is the best unit to buy to plug my Ipod into a standard sterio???

What would the cost be??

Troy if you could help that would be great spoton.gif

im assuming your talking about the BA standard audio system??

there are a couple of options for you:

a) make you own cable for the aux input. You can buy all the parts you need from either Jaycar or DSE for around $8 - $10. This is what I did in the beginning and its not that hard to do.

b) buy a pre made cable from ford spare parts for around $30. its easier than building your own cable but offers no improvement in sound quality.

c) buy one of my aux in boxes for $90. These are easy to install and also address the problems with low sound output that you get with options a) and b). another side benefit is that if your car happens to be one of the whiny ones then my box fixes that as well.

d) buy a wireless transmitter that tunes into a FM station on your radio. Im not 100% sure but I think these are around the $30 mark, but as you can see from earlier posts, they have there issues.

for me personally, I have been through options a), b) and finally had to develop my own box, option c), because I wasn't happy with the sound quality and level that I was getting from the first 2 cables.

If you need any more info just let me know spoton.gif



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yeah, my box is built into the aux cable. it uses the ford aux input plug so its just plug and play.

as for the ipod charger, be careful there as I know of a car that is getting noise induced by a ipod charger that goes away when its not on charge. I'm thinking that a power filter will fix that issue but I haven't been able to test it out yet.
The best option is to find a charger from a store that doesn't mind doing refunds if the charger you get is the type that is causing the noise.
The charger in question was bought from ebay so im not too sure about the quality of it and im confident that if you had a genuine ipod charger there wouldn't be an issue.

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  • voy74656
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Hey shockF6

I've got the same issue with my Aux whine - had it since I installed it - tried several mp3 players - charing while playing music - not charging while playing music - the whine is still there....its 10x worst when its charging though

If I'm driving @ night - soon as I turn the lights on...high beam - really loud whine :laughing: turn on the aircon *covers ears*

I've also got a Nokia bluetooth carkit which has had a massive whine issue since I bought it - gets to the point where its hard to make out what the other person is saying if im on teh highway @ night with lights on high beam with aircon on....horrible!

Is this what your box can resolve or is this a case of me on my knees 2 ford praying???

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ok here goes,

the box I have will fix your "non charging" related whine pretty close to 100%. as for the whine while charging, well that's a little more complicated.

as for your car kit whine, as the aux box is designed for line level signals and the car kits output a speaker level, therefor they are not really compatible. Im actually doing alot of testing tomorrow on a few different prototype boards and one of them just happens to be a car kit whine remover spoton.gif

so at the moment its a little hard to say if its worth praying to ford for a cure, but if all goes well tomorrow ill be able to solve all of your whine problems with the exception of the whine while charging. blink.gif .

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  • voy74656
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All I know is theres a lot of whining going on n most of its from me :stirthepot:

Thanks ShockF6 - will get ford to have a go - they havnt tried 2 fix it yet - I took it into them about 6 months ago and they said they didn't wanna touch anything till they investigated it further - never know - they might surprise me. :crybaby:

Keep us posted on the car kits box - hella interested!! :laughing:

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Sounds to me as maybe that's alternator whine esp if when you load it up with lights and aircon it becomes much louder.

You could try to add a suppression condensor to the alternator, its an easy fit, should be able to get one from Jaycar or Dicky Smith or certainly from a car audio shop.

It'll get rid of the phone problem too.

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