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Apple Ipod Thread (Merged Topic)

Velvet Glove

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as technology get more and more "computerized" we have to remember that a computers aint perfect and can fault from time to time

I work in an industry that is more and more computerized rather than bunchs of componants.

I use computers more to diagnoise and repair rather than my DMM and CRO

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Hey everyone.

After scurrying pages and pages of this forum category looking for info on how to exactly connect video output devices to the factory screen, I still haven't seen one explaining ipod connection. From what I've gathered from ways to input dvd players, tv's and sat navs I understand an RGB converter is needed.

What I was wondering from you guys that have connected video devices to stock screen is whether this would work?


If this works the 30 pin connecter can also be made to charge your iphone/ipod. So if you guys believe this will work im prepared to give it a crack.

Cheers, Peter

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Hi everyone,

Currently I am in the process of installing the factory FG Ipod kit. I've had a search and couldn't find anything specific on how to do this.

With the kit I have 4 parts.

1) Ipod cable

2) Audio module

3) leather pocket

4) Ford wiring harness.8R29-14C575-AB

At first glance it appears as though the harness is a replacement for the current one fitted to the car. The problem is that I cannot find a 12v power socket plug next to the AUX. There is however a completely different square plug which may be for this. Does anyone know if this is the right harness for a sedan or do I just need a different power plug or extra part?

Has anyone that has done this mod still have the instructions ?

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I think the 2010 update model may have received this as part of the upgrade aswell as 6speed for n/a models and some other extras. Mine is a 2009 ex WA police so the only options are the extra airbags and towbar. My wifes brothers 2010 doesn't have one either. After work breaks up for Christmas I will go down to spare parts and hopefully they could give me some ideas. Im hoping its just a new 12v socket but who knows. I am surprised that no one has done this yet.

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The parts you require are

Ipod Cable 8R2Z14D454AB

Ipod Module 8R2Z19C142BA

Ipod Holder BGF044H64A1

Ipod Wiring BG14C575C

You are better of buying a new kit BG289455AA with everything in there

This Module MUST!!! be enabled by a Ford dealer to work this is not plug and play.

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