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Apple Ipod Thread (Merged Topic)

Velvet Glove

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I found that half the problem with the volume level with a non-boosted cable is the volume cap apple put on the ipods as my sons Sony MP3 player always sounded far superior to my ipod, so I had a hunt around on the net for Ipod apps,namely a graphic eq, and came across something called rockbox-Its an open source alternative firmware app for ipod/Media players.once installed on your ipod/Player it boots this up by default unless you choose to boot up the original software (it doesnt replace the original firmware at all in any way)-has HEAPS more functionality than the apple software including a truck load of sound enhancing options which includes among other things a Fully adjustable graphic equaliser!! (something apple should have given us), Along with crossfade settings, preamp and gain settings, stereo width settings to name a few, It also has a "car adapter mode" which means if you have it plugged in and charging in your car whilst playing, as soon as it detects the power supply switch off it pauses the track where it is, and resumes when the ignition is turned back on! Honestly it has a multitude of adjustable settings plus you can even choose your own skins,fonts and wallpaper (I put my own on mine). I loaded it on my G5 ipod and after a bit of playing around I have it sounding just as good and loud as a CD. I dont think its available for all ipods but wont swear to that- check their website. Do a google search for "Rockbox". I have also found on the Jaycar website (in case anyone is interested) that you can buy a DIY amplifier kit for like 20 bucks NZ or something like that for anyone who is interested in making up their own boosted lead. Give the roxbox a go though, once you get used to it, its way better to use hands down!! :newrussian: :mexicanwave: :mexicanwave:

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Hey guys,

I've done a search on this problem but can't seem to find a fix.

Pretty simple really, I've got an ipod AUX cable which I connected to the white input behind the fuse box.

The car detects the AUX connection because it allows me to switch over to AUX (through AM button) and I can hear an electrical input when I connect it.

The problem is, I can't hear anything through the sound system. I've tried both my ipod and my iphone but it still won't work.

I'm completely new to Fords, is there anything I might have missed or not done?

Thanks in advance. :)

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  • Menace
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I have a similar prob only I have the actual cable from the prem. Sound and get nothing since I had to replace the female connection no matter which way I put the red and white wire on

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is it the boosted version? if so did you plug the power in also? is there 12V at the plug.

if its not a boosted version , touch one on the channels to ground breifly , does it make a noise/pop

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  • Menace
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Sorry if this come across as a thread hijack but hopefully this helps us both.

There is what looks like 3 cables only the red and the white look as though they are insulated by the cable insulation and the 3rd wire has only heat shrink on it. Pls excuse the poor pic. quality it was taken from my iPhone.




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  • Menace
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turns out im a blondy and bought a mono aux connection. Soldered in the stereo type and it seems ok only I have to have the male cable pulled out a little to make it work on both speakers.

Im going to ford next week to buy a direct replacement aux cable and rerun in a new cable so its done properly.

I'll take photos of where the cables go to. Hopefully it will help dmr out.

I have a copy of the workshop manual dmr but its a pretty big file, not sure how to zip it properly + its for a BF.

If you can tell me how too reduce the file size I'll send it straight to you.

Edited by Kroozin
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  • Ford Nub
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If you are using Win7 just right click on the file, go down to "send to" , then select "compressed (zipped) folder". A copy should appear in the same folder your are in.

Depending on the size though you may not be able to email it.You could host it on a file sharing site as they hold larger files

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  • I miss her...
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Ive plugged up the iPod in my FG and the damn thing isnt working anymore. Has worked fine since ive had it, but now I cant get the icc to recognise there is an iPod connected.

The iPod still charges and comes up with the 'OK to disconnect' screen it always has when I connect it, but all I get on the ICC is the Aux plug icon where it used to show iPod.

Also, when I change to FM radio ive noticed even though the radio is playing and I can change the stations etc with the buttons, the display just shows the 'No disk' screen like its on the CD player setting for about a minute before it changes to FM.

Anyone got any ideas??

God damn im not having a good run lately. Came home from an overseas holiday to find my PS3 had the yellow light of death, my PC had repeated blue screens of death and I had to do a clean install, my laptop HDD is fried, and I left my phone in the fvckin taxi from the airport. And now this.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Have you ever just thought maybe you need to step back from technology..... It doesn't seem to like you..

On a different note.. What sort of Ipod are you using?


I know with a friends Ipod classic we had to actually have it playing music when you plug it in.. Or it doesn't register..

But the thing about changing radio stations sounds like something Ford might have to sort out??

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