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Apple Ipod Thread (Merged Topic)

Velvet Glove

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Don't own one VG - but have used one a fair bit at work - bloke who sits opposite me swears by 'em...great, both PC and Mac compatible.

I believe they are up to about 30GB now??? So, assuming mp3 files are say 5MB, you can store up to 6000 songs on one, and it fits in your pocket.

:hiwelcome: I say

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G'day Velvet,

Yeah I do, 30gB model.

Nice features, Charging dock plus option of firewire input (for transfer) plus USB2.0 support. Gorgeous to look at like most apple products, never skipped a beat for me.

THe only problem I found was that the battery life when used in the car wasn't as good as I had thought, and would frequently go flat before the entire playlist was played. (then again a 178 hour play list is quite long) So I bought a Belkin Car charging and Fuse kit for the iPod and that does the job nicely.


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Guest esky
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And Apple just lowered the prices in Aus too.

You will need to buy either a firewire card or/and the USB cable.

They dont play WMA format :(.

Ebay US are a little cheaper, but you'd need to ship it, buy the AUS power adapter.


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I dont know how true this is so dont take it as given, but this put me off getting an iPod and going with the Creative Nomad.


Note: This site is in refrence to the first Gen iPod's, also read the note at the top of the page.

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Puffs had one for ages. Brilliantly executed mini player. I had to buy some USB2 ports for the PC for Itunes to pump files into it quicker but I'm wrapped.

Also bought the iTrip FM doobrie. Piece of crap. Don't bother. Get a 3.5 to RCA lead instead and just patch it into an aux on your amp.

The sound quality is brilliant. I'm using it to rip all my CD collection. AAC format seems ok if a little limiting for PC usage. WinMedia Player will not play em.

Battery lasts about 4-5 hours and its skip proof.

the interface is also a good workout for your thumb.

All in all - I give it a 7 to 8 out of 10.

That said I have not played with any other Players. I just wanted the best - bit like my car.... :crybaby:

No affiliation with Apple at all.

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