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Ba/f With Fg Turbo Plenum

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ive heard people say that the ba/bf plenum is better then the fg ones?? they say that the fg ones are like the ea eb style and the ba bf are like the el au?

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Fg is a great option but from those who have done it , it looks like ALOT of farking around and the $$$ used to make it happen a good aftermarket is a BETTER option


U dont need anything like george said for under 420rwkw

Save your money !!!!

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E85 17psi 341.7rwkw

98 322.3rwkw 17psi

Changed plenum & cooler & tuner

Also added a 2800rpm stally

16psi E85 385rwkw

16psi 98 344rwkw

Edited by Kosij
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  • RNS10S
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So now its the tuner ?

Jase, don't make it personal, I am just quoting what you said in the E85 thread.

To the OP, I feel that if you are not chasing more than 420 - 430 then it is not needed,

sure it will make it more efficient but it is not cheap and that money can be spent elsewhere, just my 2c

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has everyone forgotten that plazmaman plenums cost 900+ dollars a fg manifold can be picked up for $300 dollars fg plazmaman fuel rail $300 and that give you spacers to suit a ba injector so no extra cost there machining fees $100 and adapting the cooler pipes $100 bucks and works out pretty similar some say the plenums run lean on the back cylinders. some people like to be diffrent aswell that's why I went the fg manifold conversion.

Edited by relentless xr6
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  • RNS10S
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So where are you suggesting the OP spend his money?

Well he states he has done everything so if he is happy to purchase a plenum and his tuner agrees then go for it.

Don't know if he has done any suspension or brake mods but he can start there.

I asked you a question a few posts back and am curious to know in which way you found the aftermarket plenum better.

Don't get me wrong I may still go down that path but my tuner advised it was not needed.

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Regardless of the so called experts. The stock plenum can be improved upon. The biggest restriction is in the opening, which is smaller than the T/B outlet. My advice is to smooth the T/B outlet to the same size as the inlet. Then get stuck into the plenum. Firstly, rip a whole heap out of the opening (to match the T/B), and remove a sh*t load out of the curved inlet area, to provide for more flow into 1 and 6. Grind 4-5 mill off the lower casting area, where it flows into the inlet runners. Grind the tumbler openings and smooth. Finally smooth the internals of the tumblers, and plenum.

Just a side note. After my tune many made the assumption that my handy work was a waste of time. The restriction in my car as it sits, is the outlet of the monza cooler, but we were never going to see if my handy work would resulted in a horsepower gain, due to not running at, or beyond the power levels the factory platform is known to achieve. And the fact that the intercooler is the restiction at this point.

But can anyone explain why I am geting 5.2 litres to the 100km's on flat road in top gear doing 100kph (as opposed to 7.2 pre-tune, always run BP Ultimate). The only thing that I can come up with is efficiency. OK what I have isn't going to win dyno comps, that we all know. But what I do have is a setup that is proving to be ultra efficient at cruising speeds. Which I believe the fuel consumption figures are proving, as they really are the only way to measure an efficiency improvement at this point. Now obviously the tune plays a role through enhanced timing, but I don't believe it is the answer to all the improvement.


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