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Ba/f With Fg Turbo Plenum

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I do not believe 5.2L/100 on a flat road could be maintained for a decent distance unless its very lean down low...I get at best 7.2L/100 and that's driving like a nanna and no overtaking and I have efficient flowing mods...

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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1) Power;

2) Visual appeal;

3) Economy; and

4) Throttle response.

This, I have a nizzer plenum and pipework setup on my car, I have not driven any other combo of pipework (that retains the stock plenum) that spools as well or has the same response.

Knew that was coming. Yes I filled the car and did 86km's making sure never to boost it, or get even close, as the fuel gauge only goes to 99.9 l/100km. So once boosting up the fuel figure isn't accurate. But the instantaneous has always been good. But I needed to be sure. So anyway average fuel usage was at 8.8. Went back and filled it back up cost $12.05 @ $1.589, which was 7.54 litres . Thats is actually 8.82 l/100kms. Injectors 60lb Deka's.


Unfortunatly you have changed two items at the same time so it's difficult to call.

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I tell you what I'll do. I have a plenum here that I could do for you. It would actually be improved on my first attempt. We can go down to see Lee and try it. Now if it doesn't work you can have it . But if it does, and gives you 10% more power, as long as the supporting mods are capable. How much would you be prepared to pay for it?


If I gain 10% I'll give you $1,200 for it.


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I'll tell you what, $1200 isn't a bad offer. If I was to charge you on an hourly rate, it would be much more. But when it works I'll charge you $200. In all honesty there will be about 30 hours work. But the look on your face when you run it up will be gold. But it will take a few weeks to get it done.And if I have any ceramic coating left over, I'll give it a hit. One thing I will need you to do is polish the rear section on the T/B. Can you do that. If not get hold of one and send it to me, or drop it off to Lee. I'll be there Thursday, and can pick it up.


Edited by Impellor
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I'm sure I'll get time to polish the TB over the next couple weeks. Let me know about a week before you are ready so we can organise it with Lee.


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No problem. Me being me, and always looking to tinker, it should be ready by Friday the 15/2/2013. So look to organise after then. Either, on a Thursday or Friday. Actually make it a Friday afternoon, and organise a public celebration, or flogging (Maybe Lee might like to pull the BBQ out). It will go one way or the other. But I'm sure you will see a good result. So make sure you bring your money LOL!!!

Just another thought, if you haven't already, get yourself a catchcan setup.


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10% is huge impellor

U wont see a red cent of that money

10% gain at what was it ? 450rwkw ?

Stock ( b series ) manifold at NEARLY 500rwkw would take the cake for pump fuel/e85

Start a thread guys I wanna see how this flops

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