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Absolutley Disgusting Ford Service.

Steve O

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It amazes me when I hear this sort of thing, if we treated people like that in the workshop wed be out of a job quicker than flash gordon, but something I have noticed is that as soon as u put on a tie in this industry u think your king sh*t. Advisors included, salesmen especially.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Maybe seeing the public's perception of them will influence them to change their customer service practice's?

Just saying

Also how did this thread come up in your convo.....?

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I've only been to a dealer once because it was next door to where my dog was getting washed.. A sales guy come up to me while I'm looking at a 2010 xr6t lux pack, had 12k on the clock and had a 36k price on the window.. He said its never been registered apart from a dealer drives car and will do it for 32k.. Said I'm just having a look and gave me his card and I left.. Went online and found the exact same car advertised for $26,450

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Yeah I read an article recently saying that car salesman have a reputation as being untrustworthy and that the industry is doing everything it can to change that perception... Seems to me everyone except them is striving for better customer service

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I can't stand car dealers. Every one with the exception of Hyundai at Croydon were arrogant, rude and cheesy.

Hyundai gave us a full tank of fuel, a dinner with the manager (we struck up a good rapport with him), free tinting and in return my wife made him a 3D Hyundai iMax cake.

I like the way they do business.

My first dealer car was from Dale Ford and they really were terrible.

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pssst, let you in on a secret,

they give you nothing for free, they tell you they do but the cost is built into the sale price, if you crunched a dealer down to the bare operating cost, they will not give you anything extra for "free", it's good though you were happy with the deal and dealer

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  • I <3 Floods
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Haha I love it when you go to some car dealers and when you try to negotiate they have a sheet of paper they consult and come back with the 'best price we can do'.. Had a couple even strategically leave the piece of paper on the desk while going to make a call..

It's a sales sham..

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I went up to Brad Garlick Ford and they were excellent. I called to ask when they were open on the weekends as I work late and couldnt get there during business hours, to look at a fg mkii xr6t with 30k km for $34k. Turned up at 450pm un announced as I was heading back from a site and they said they had just taken the car home, quick call and the car was back and they were more than happy to let me test drive (surprising since I was in work gear and am only 22). Should have put a deposit as it was sold the next day

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There's more sh*t salesman and service managers then good ones. As they're harder to find, once you find them you stick with them. Only reward the good ones (repeat business, referrals etc) and never give the sh*t ones any business at all. Simple.

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