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Passenger Side Battery Relocation - A Few Q's


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  • Member For: 12y 9m 11d


I want to relocate the battery to the passenger side.

I was intending on just cutting the battery terminals off, crimp, solder and heatshrink on some cable extensions and running them across to the passenger side and then fitting terminals to the end of the new cables.

My question is.... what is the best cable type for this purpose as I know there are a number of different grades of cable depending on the distance traveled etc.

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 14y 10m
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Muswellbrook NSW

I would just undo the battery cable from the battery to the fuse box. Then run your positive cable from the battery to the starter motor, leave the cable on that goes from the starter motor to the fuse box. And with the negative just find a sutiable earth, it would be alot neater then running cables across the bay and less cable. I would use 35mm cable.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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  • Location: Perth

Fuse boxed supplied from Starter is not ideal.

I prefer to run a positive lead from the battery to the start, Earth lead to PS engine mount to engine block bolt and run another smaller Positive feed from the battery to the fuse box across the front of the car in the channel above the Rad.

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