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Boost Issues


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Hey guys, I own a BA mk ii xr6 turbo and am having boost issues. A couple of weeks ago my car would only hit 9psi in all gears (on a 15psi tune), then it went down to 6psi. I did a boost leak test and found a leak and fixed it. After I fixed it, it would hit 12psi. It was fine for a day and then same problem, found another leak and fixed it and would hit 12psi again. Then the same problem again, would hit 6psi for about a week and a couple of times would go to 10psi. Have done another leak test and found no leaks. Just wondering what you guys think it could be? It has a 12psi actuator, could this be faulty? If so how do you test them. Also must add its never hit 15psi since I had it, in any gear and have owned it for nearly a year. Cheers guys.

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  • Member For: 13y 6m
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I had the same issue a few weeks ago after getting my first tune after mods, if you have a compressor handy wind it down to 12psi, ram that in its guts and see if it opens, next thing to be (and this is more easy if you pull the turbo off) you wanna check the preload of the actuator, to do this, fix the actuator to the turbo, while holding the wastegate closed, wind the arm untill you can freely put the actuator arm onto the flapper, next wind the arm in 3 complete turns then grab a pair of pilars and pull it onto the flapper and secure with c-clip, the next thing I did was I remover all intercooler piping and sprayed hair spray, just a little up to the joins, (acts as a sealer), refit all pipe work and make sure all clamps are tight, leave 24hours to insure that hairspray drys and seals correctly, next check all vaccume lines for splits, kinks, and if you can secure with hair spray and cable ties, make sure bov is not stuck open, compare with known good one, after that you should be ok, other wise I'd be looking at the turbo or tune, I'm pretty new to the whole modifying of these engines but that where I'd start, good luck

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  • Member For: 13y 16d
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Thanks maggotmouse. I'll try all this week and let yous know how I go. I have already checked all piping and I know it's not the bov because I've replaced it with a brand new one I got off a mate.

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give it ago, I was told when I got tuned that it may be the actuator which was brand new, all they could pull was 12lb with the boost side of the tuning wound out as far as they could go, my issue turned out to be a boost leak, once I found that I was frying tyres at about 20lb and climbing, was pretty fun but soon got the tune all sorted

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 13y 16d
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I have everything look at by castle hill performance and they suggested a new actuator which they put on. Still having the same issues issues hough. They said it has to be something with the computer, is this correct and if so what could it be?

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