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First Oil Change At 1000K's ?


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sorry mate, would need to consult my oil guide at work and go by their recommendation, if full synthetic oil is used too early in some engines it may stop rings from bedding in correctly and cause bores to glaze, may not be an issue in the S/C 5.0 but it was a problem on the 5.4 and the LS1's etc.

Castrol had a recommended oil for the 5.4 up to the 15,000 klm service and then 0-40 synthetic was recommended, if the factory fill on the 5.0 is the full synthetic oil, then you will right to use that

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run in oil = cheap mineral oil

designed not to lube as good so the asperities get torn off as they pass each other, theory is all the high spots get worn off quick and rings seat good.

A better option would be to fill with the best oil possible as soon as possible, and change it and the filters when required. This coats the asperities in antiwear additives and friction modifiying additives that will allow the asperities to bend over and slide past each other. The reason this is better is far less small chunks of metal will be generated, small chunks of metal cause huge amounts of wear.

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Hello Benny ........as mentioned by Kochxr6 , did you do the change yourself at 3000 or had you asked the dealership to do the change ? If the dealership , were they also relucant to change the oil and filter as mine appear to be ? Is there a warranty issue - if we do not follow their recommendation ?

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I changed the oil myself and didn't consult the dealer at all. I haven't asked if this would void my warranty and don't see how it could. I doubt they could even tell. I use factory Ford parts and the recommended Castrol 5w20 oil. I wouldn't suggest changing the oil weight in any car away from what the car is has been designed for. The lubrication engineers at Ford know a lot more about oils than most mechanics and forum members. Certainly changing oil from a mineral oil to a full synthetic oil too early can affect the bedding in of the rings etc.


Edited by Benny
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Cheers Benny - unless someone tells me otherwise, I will continue changing the oil with factory specified weigh oil at 1000k and then at 5000k intervals ... Agree with Rapid , it's cheaper to replace oil than a motor

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OK, for those still interested in this thread I have done alot of ground work and found out from Ford directly that the Miami 315 & 335 engines do 100% come of the assembly line with the recommended 5W-20 Castrol Edge oil so there is no such thing as a special run in oil with these engines. Also, you can change your oil and filter whenever you choose to without any problems with your warranty as long as a genuine filter and the recommended oil is used. The reason Ford don't recommend or like doing this is to do with cost issues apparently (from the horses mouth) which is why the majority of service managers at dealerships will look at you a bit strange! I have also found that unless you purchase your oil direct from Ford it is only available in 20 or 60ltr drums with the 20ltr coming in at just under $360 so it certainley isn't cheap stuff and a 20ltr drum is only good for 2 changes as the engine holds 8.5ltrs. So for all of us wanting to do in between oil changes, it will have no effect on your warranty so if you want to dump the oil at 1000ks or 3000ks.....go for it. The oil can be a litle difficult to get as it was a joint colaboration between Ford & Castrol to develop it so they like to keep you going back to them for your services but you can get it.

I hope this helps some of you guys with your concerns regarding this subject.

Cheers, Rapid :)

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Yeh ratter, that's what I've found out.....only available in 20ltrs or 60ltrs and I can get it through my local Bursons or just get through my sister as she's an accountant at a Ford/FPV dealership so I've given her a 20ltr container to fill up for me! A fair bit cheaper too :)

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