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Trouble With Manual 6Sp


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I think I already know the answer to this question, but here I am hoping it will be something else

The other day I had to take my brother to the airport, and at 5am very cold morning I couldn't shift into any gear. clutch fully in, and it just wouldn't go into gear. no grinding or anything. finally got it into 4th, then 3rd, and rocked it back and fourth in those gears until it started to go into other gears, then finally reverse. at this time I was thinking gearbox oil?

Then today, at a set of lights it wouldn't go into gear either, unless my clutch was hard, HARD against the floor. Ive only owned this car 3 weeks, one week of that was in shop for diff bushes. Now I'm thinking clutch if f****d... clutch fluid is full. it doesn't slip in any gears or anything, and these are auto adjusting correct? Warranty doesn't cover clutch, just flywheel etc not wearable parts.

even half inch off the floor using the clutch and it wont change gear.

So... confirm my thoughts that I now have to fork out for a clutch as well? :rant2:

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Has the feel of the pedal changed? It could be pressure plate related but I would be saying it would more likely be your slave cylinder is failing or failed. If its still standard the plastic pieces of crap are known for failing at the drop of a hat.

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Yep still standard. clutch has felt the same since I got it. but only been driving it 2 weeks. Just checked warranty, only cover for pressure plate

So the clutch may be alright since there is no slip? It feels like from foot to floor, it grips until about 3/4 way out then just slop after that

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If there's no slip I'd say clutch plate has plenty left if its gripping and also a pressure plate fail would indicate clutch slip as well. Id be going its your slave cylinder, like I said the plastic crap from ford can sh1t themselves at any time.

Edited by matt036
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Thanks Matt

Ill get that looked at when in the shop Wednesday. Calmed me down a bit now I'm not thinking new clutch.

Edited by turboBA
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Look under the dash and you will see a sh**tty plastic piston arrangement that is the clutch master cylinder. Fluid reservoir is under the bonnet and the "slave" is in the bell housing. If the hydraulics are no good you will be losing fluid in the car or on the ground. If it is piston seepage allowing fluid past the high pressure seals inside the master cylinder, in the end it will just not pump at all.

The Ford system seems to be okay but the workshop I go to is starting to replace a few. If it is the master cylinder, the genuine ones are not a cheap replacement so check fleabay for a price before you say yes to anything.

Good luck.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Get the clutch bleed. Put the car on gear foot on clutch and start the car, hold the clutch down and wait if the car starts to move forward after a couple of minutes either your master or slave is bleeding down.

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No fluid on the ground. none leaking from master cylinder. No leaks from reservoir or anywhere on from there I can see.

Ralph, held clutch for a while just then and no change, doesn't move and still grips about 15-20mm from floor. enough that if the floor mat slips up behind clutch (a lot when driving) cant change.

It seems clutch has no slip, grips well, cant find any leaks, Just rite to the floor. It wasn't like that 3 weeks ago

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