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Rear Ended - What Is The Ruling?


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  • Cruise Whore
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I don't think you need to call the police unless someone is injured or (I think) some serious 3rd party property damage has occurred and the owner of that 3rd party property is not present :dontknow:

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  • Not pregnant
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as soon as the arse end gets hit say goodbye to the whole thing, apparantly there's some bar in the rear that if hit should not be repaired or some sh*t....mate went through it with my car (when he owned it) it was only slightly tapped in the arse end by someone that rolled down a hill and hit him at like 5kph

(above corrected so that I can understand it properly)

Not true.

When my car was rear ended I had it repaired, no issue. The woman who hit me would have been travelling faster than 5kph too, as her car was a write off (the front end of her car was f*cked). My car even had a bent chassis.

While having it written off would have been the ideal situation (the front of my car was damaged too) they've managed to repair it just fine. Drives just like it used to.

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Hmm weired, panal shop/s and insure said it should be written off as this bar in the arse end of the car is a critical crumble spot. Meh......it got fixed though cost around 8k for boot, spoiler, repaint, light, bumper, decals and a bit of panel beating

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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yep I been rear ended in my bf2 and they fixed it just fine... new bar and boot lid and that was that.

No write off just for that

way faster than 5kmsph and I was hit by a BA GT which crumpled its front end like a whore!,,,, full on front end just about write off

Edited by Princess Fluffy
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  • Not pregnant
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I had chassis straightened, new bumper, new boot floor, boot lid, new left rear quarter panel...the whole arse of my BFii was replaced basically.

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If you hit a car in front you are at fault no matter the circumstances, you should be anticipating and leaving room for potential situations that may arise and safe distance to stop. Played this game with the insurance company last year...

This is not true at all.

In most circumstances the car that causes the damage to the rear is at fault, however not always.

In this circumstance Freaky was correct in saying that the driver behind failed to keep a reasonable distance to allow stopping time in case of what occurred.

Good luck with the repairs anyway bud and telling your mate.

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As above.

A rear ender does not automatically become the fault of the car running up the back of you?

However, insurance companies will automatically "go" the rear vehicle. It would then be up to that car to prove that they had no expectation of the car in front having to stop in an unreasonable manner. e.g. they could see the road was clear ahead and there was no reason to "slam" the brakes on. Hard to prove without a witness, but it can be done, I have done it.

Car travelling in the left lane on a dual highway passed me on the left and panicked when another vehicle merged from there left from a slip lane. Changed into my lane doing 80kph and slammed the brakes on. BANG! Her hubby said it was my fault, BS she should have checked my lane and the other vehicle was not in my lane and the road was clear ahead. I had two other vehicles stop and witness the accident, plus I am a senior driving instructor with years of no claims.

bad luck, lady. get over it.


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