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Issue With Stereo Install


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  • Member For: 13y 6m 12d

if u get the new alpine procsser u wont need level convters as the factroy speaker go right into them if that makes sence

That's true but maybe that why players system doesn't have issues because of the way he run the line level converter into the processer vs straight of the ICC maybe that's why he doesn't have issue

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  • Member For: 20y 23d
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playrz what was your idea behind using the line level converter to Rca have you got the processor in the boot and wanted to run shielded rcas instead of the speaker wires ?

The reason I ran the LLC into the processor is because although the processor has a built in convertor, I was getting far too much noise in the signal using this on its own, it was just amplifying the bad signal from the ICC (sh*t in = sh*t out). The glossy brochure would have you believe that the processor can removal all this.... didnt work for me in the FG. When I put the LLC inline with it I was able to get a cleaner signal (not 100%) but better than it was using the processor only. The processor then cleaned it up a little more and added EQ, time alignment, etc for the final signal to the amp. Is it perfect? No... but its a marked improvement over the factory system.

If your not chasing things like EQ & time alignment you could skip the processor all together, you get a reasonable signal just from the LLC. If your anal and want audiophile sound quality dont waste your time with this sort of thing, just bypass the factory ICC all together and get a quality source unit. Trying to get a noise free signal from the Ford ICC is a waste of time and money IMHO.

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anyone confirm or deny if the FG Icc has Aux input on the base models? (ie, no premium sound, no colour touch screen, no ipod cable)

appears that's how yours is hooked up PLAYRZ? (though wouldnt that bring in the ICC whine again?) could you breigly explain how yours is confirgured?

^^ agree, wouldnt it bring the whine again? how do you configure a head unit without using the aux in, that seems pointless as it would still be running the sh*tty icc signal

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  • Member For: 20y 23d
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how do you configure a head unit without using the aux in


Usually like you would in any other car... lol . Install the source unit, connect it via RCA to your amp, connect your speakers... vuala

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  • Member For: 12y 6m 4d

if u use the icc it just a head ach playrz will agree with me a head unit will make it sound much better
if u do get a head unit all u do is run rca to amp from headunit and amp speakers wires to speakers and your done its not really hard to do it that way if u guys need a facial for the fg I can make u guys one and post it over double din or single din :)

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