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Issue With Stereo Install


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  • Member For: 14y 1m

Exactly right.

Customers want installs for cheap cheap cheap and car audio places can't afford then to waste time and money to figure out custom installs if no one wants to pay.

Plus with all the chinese companies making Fascia Kits. If they don't make one for a particular model of car, it's either not popular enough, or not do-able.

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  • Member For: 12y 3m 24d
  • Gender: Male

The head unit thing doesn't sound right! Prob just too big of a job they just can't be effed doing it lol.

Dunno but the guys I got my stuff off got me to stay away from alpine speakers n glad I did cause the quality of my polk's is great! Really shallow mounting depth too which meant now adaptor s had to be made to fit them! Type r's are really deep speakers

same advice from 2 installers didnt sound right so today I went to strathfield car audio , they also said cant put a head unit.

something like this would be so convienient:


but now 3 car audio places have said you cant do head unit and didnt tell me why it cant be done ><

Strathfield tried to sell me a LC6i line converter for $350 and said it would stop the FG from hissing, they right or would I need a basic sound processor?

sorry but I dont know anything about car audio :S looks like I should stay away from type r's, how bout alpine type x from the US for half the price?

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  • Member For: 13y 6m 13d

Where are you from Δ above, I dk if you know guys who work at jb, strathfield etc aren't normally the cream of the crop all they do is basic head unit changeovers and speakers 12+ head units a day normally at 60-70 each = $$$

You need to find the guys who do custom work most of the guys who do custom left jb and strathfield as the job is very basic and sh*t and they want to do actual good work

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  • Member For: 12y 3m 24d
  • Gender: Male

Where are you from Δ above, I dk if you know guys who work at jb, strathfield etc aren't normally the cream of the crop all they do is basic head unit changeovers and speakers 12+ head units a day normally at 60-70 each = $$$

You need to find the guys who do custom work most of the guys who do custom left jb and strathfield as the job is very basic and sh*t and they want to do actual good work

im in sydney mate, liverpool area 2170, do you know any good audio stores?

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