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Issue With Stereo Install


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Yea figured that cause in my ba had some noise but not so much as this time. The converter I have this time is like a $200 unit and the reason I bought it was to avoid the noise in it so was expecting little to none!

The guys I bought it from have the NSW rep for Aerpro dropping in on tuesday so gonna give them a ring then and they should be able to sought me out. The converter is meant to have a ground isolator switch inside it under the cover to reduce the noise but mine doesn't have one so got to ask about that too

Anyway cheers for the help

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Yea I was thinking about a processor but they ain't cheap. Plus when I rang the guys I bought my gear off and told them about the hiss sound they said they've installed heaps of 8sum converters in fg's and never had a problem and I checked all the wiring and seems all good so may be a fault in it somewhere

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You will never completely remove the low volume noise with line level converters unless you spend the money and buy a processor like the rockford 3 sixty.

I have had a Rockford line level converter in my last car, worked really well feeding the amps with plently of voltage but the low level noise/hiss was very dissapointing.

Hoping the 3 sixty processor being fitted to the XR6 will complement my system components alot better than the previous line level converters used.

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Were you only feeding that convertor to a sub-amp?

If so, then that's why you never got the hiss, as the sub can't reproduce it, the frequency is too high.

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It's all good mate, just wanted to make sure you didn't have some miracle cure that we all would love :)

I've been to the ends of the earth to get rid of the hiss (using LC6i line convertor) and haven't managed to get rid of it completely, fixed all earth lines in the car... still get's alternator whine/hiss. It's low (a SHEDLOAD lower than it was...), but still annoying at times. :)

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Funnily enough I just went through all this in the last 2 weeks.

Stage 1: Tapped into speaker wires at kick panels as all tutorials say, ran speaker wires directly to high level input of my Soundstream amp - I had crap sound, engine whine and hiss. NOT HAPPY.

Stage 2: Ran a $40 4 Channel Aerpro High to Low level converter - Better sound (via RCA), no engine whine (due to onboard isolator) but still the famous ICC hiss and pops.

Stage 3: Re tapped the wires from behind glove box (for FL, RL & RR) and under ICC (for FR) instead of tapping in the kick panels where all other previous threads all say. Ran these back under the centre console (where I also stashed the converter) and ran the RCA's to the amplifier without going down any sides of the car (where there is power). So they have a power interference free run all the way form the ICC to the amplifier.

Now I have crystal clear sound, no hisses, no pops, no loss of volume, nothing. The amplifier is running front and rear Type R's and a subwoofer. I work in a car audio place and we do heaps of BA/BF/FG's and by just doing that, I have now convinced other installers to do it that way for any installs maintaining Ford ICC.

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