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Fg Xr6 Turbo Engine Noise, Help!


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pull the drivebelt off and start the car, see if it does it without any of the pulleys turning (it will be ok for a bit to run like this)

I had some pulley noise a while back, the water pump pulley fell off the water pump snout and I almost cooked the poor thing.

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how can you tell?

His profile picture insinuates that he is in fact an exhaust manifold, so I conclude that he speaks the language.

Edited by The Converted
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Hi Bud

I bought my G6E Turbo 3 weeks ago with 92 000km, got home tonight and it is making the exact same noise as yours. I was a Ford master tech some 10 years ago but left cause they dont pay you enough! LOL I didnt get much of a chance on the barra engine due to leaving Ford for bigger and better things. That noise is definately not the idler or tensioner pulleys, both of mine were replaced by the dealer prior to sale and I just checked mine with my stethescope when I got home. The noise is definately coming from inside the timing cover, probably a lazy tensioner when the oil is hot causing a bit of chain slap?maybe crap oil? Its going back into Ford on Thursday for diff bushes, ambient air temp sensor and now the noise. I will let you know how it goes :) Gota love dealer warranties. I will give her a hard time before I get there to make sure it does it other wise they wont do a thing, I know all to well!

Speak soon

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Hi mate

quick update, just got onto work in some day light and had another look. It is the tensioner making that noise, my listening device was giving me a bump steer as the noise is transmitted through the timing chest. Well there you go, was replaced about 2000km ago and its stuffed! LOL Hope yours is all fixed bud :)

Kind regards Jon

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Hi mate

quick update, just got onto work in some day light and had another look. It is the tensioner making that noise, my listening device was giving me a bump steer as the noise is transmitted through the timing chest. Well there you go, was replaced about 2000km ago and its stuffed! LOL Hope yours is all fixed bud :)

Kind regards Jon

how much to replace the tensioner? havent bothered to get it fixed yet, hopefully soon

Edited by sct911
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