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F6 Tune Into Xr6T


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Religion vs science 2.0

Oh and a have a big dick but the 3 inches of fur make it look small. Off to watch some more panda porn.

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  • Member For: 15y 11m 25d

Heres the thing

The tune in my car car from ford as a drop in tune from a guy who did the the development tune for ford and was emailed to my tech from said guy

It has seriously picked up the cars performance with more boast and performance to boot my g6e has an fpv dash fitted and the car runs smooth and clean

The young bloke was slightly mis informed in that yes the tune came from ford and it was described to me as a tune that would be a equivalent to the f6 tune

I can assure the knockers that yes the tune works and works well and yes it was a drop in tune

From what I was lead to believe this guy did the original tuning for ford and the cars could have easily been released with this tune but was considered to much for reliability for mums and dads to tow thirty foot caravans etc

Please feel free to flame away as I don't really give a sh*t, it is what it is ,

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  • Member For: 21y 10m 17d
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Heres the thing

The tune in my car car from ford as a drop in tune from a guy who did the the development tune for ford and was emailed to my tech from said guy

It has seriously picked up the cars performance with more boast and performance to boot my g6e has an fpv dash fitted and the car runs smooth and clean

The young bloke was slightly mis informed in that yes the tune came from ford and it was described to me as a tune that would be a equivalent to the f6 tune

I can assure the knockers that yes the tune works and works well and yes it was a drop in tune

From what I was lead to believe this guy did the original tuning for ford and the cars could have easily been released with this tune but was considered to much for reliability for mums and dads to tow thirty foot caravans etc

Please feel free to flame away as I don't really give a sh*t, it is what it is ,

Would you allow us to copy your tune? It would be interesting to have a look at it.

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A drop in tune with what software? As using ids you can not just upload any file into the pcm, the only tunes you can put in is whats stored in the ids software for that version, even using the old wds you cant do that so, again, we are moving away from the fact that what was originaly stated was ford can flash an f6 tune into a g6et which still remains false. And fpv dashes are common place easy to program on ids

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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  • Member For: 15y 11m 25d

I dont really know. How the guy did it but I was present and there was a bit o toing and froing and the tune definately came from ford

The identity of my pcm was established at the time , it was also a gift done as a favour to my mate for me

Bionic im not doubting your creds ,but are you saying this cant happen

If you are that on the in you probably know who did it

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