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Running Issues 2011 Fg Xr6


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Hi fellas,

sorry to butt in, but can I ask a question as someone who has just acquired his first XR6? It's a 2011 non turbo model with 27,000ks on the clock. my question is: am I supposed to be able to hear a fast, muffled regular sound, especially when the revs are coming off? It's almost like there's something in a tyre and I can hear it hitting the road every cycle. Or like the wheel alignment is bad. Neither of these is the case though. Is it the proper throbbing of the engine? Is it supposed to make that kind of sound, or could I have a problem with the car?

Thanks guys.

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Ok so car is still suffering from the same faults and slowly getting worse. I have changed dealers now and the new dealer is a least intersted in trying to retify the issue. Car is still not showing any fault codes so they are thinking that it must be a mechanical issue.

They are going to keep the car for a couple of days next week and drive it around with the computer connected to see if any faults appear. Reseting of the computers gives a temporary fix, but the problems genuinely resurface after a couple of weeks of general stop start free way driving.

Looking forward to finding out what the issue is so that I can enjoy driving it again like it was when I first bought it.

Edited by acclaim6
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  • 7 months later...
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Finally found out what the issue with the car was. The transmission failed at 34500k So I am now waiting for a new one from Ford under warranty.

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The transmission failed while they had it? Or it had failed ages ago and only now did it show up as a code?

I think the transmission was faulty from the day I bought it but has taken all this time to fail. The car is still not running right but until the other part or parts fail and give them a code Ford will not investigate further.

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Reading your posts (before you said faulty transmission) made it sounds like you have the dreaded milkshake issue.

Do you know what the problem was with the faulty gearbox?

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Ford could not locate which part of the box was faulty so they replaced it. Had my fingers crossed that it was the cause of all my running issues but unfortunately the new gearbox has made no improvements.

From my first post the car has got considerably worse and is now at the point where it is becoming dangerous to drive.

Reading on the internet the symptoms all lead to a faulty throttle body or TPS but I have had these tested and according to the Auto elec all the electrical components are working fine. He had the opinion that it is a fuel problem but I still believe that it is electrical based.

I have spoken to HPF in Dandenong and am going to take it to them to see if they can identify the issue and fix.

Due to the problems with the engine I believe that these symptoms where the cause of the gearbox failure,

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