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Rough Idle - Have Tried Just About Everything - Stumped!


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I think you should take it to someone with the ability to diagnose this type of thing.

Continuing to play pin the tail on the donkey is only going to get more expensive.

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  • Member For: 12y 15d
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  • Location: blue mountains

I'm fully against repair by replacement. It's often far more expensive and frustrating.

You have covered everything u can do yourself depending on your skills. Leakdown / comp testing can be quite difficult.

Time to go see a technician.

Often ford techs will be pretty switched on with common probs.

Even your tuner can be a worthwhile phone all.

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My mechanic looked at the gasket and tested it by spraying carby cleaner around it but said it was OK. I personally think a smoke test would be better. My gut feel all along has been an air leak beyond the throttle body.

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