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Facebook Hacking...


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  • Member For: 12y 2m 17d
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  • Location: bathurst...

How can I find out who is hacking my misso's Facebook? They keep getting in and deleting me and puting inappropriate stuff on her Facebook wall and starting fights with people... I've already had a fight with someone over sh*t that's been written on her wall about them (which she didn't write) and this poor *beep* copped a towelling over nothing because he didn't want to listen to me... It's more annoying then anything and she changed her password and it happened again then changed her password and deactivated it and this morning it was back up with more sh*t on it... f*cking over it an just hoping someone here can help.

Cheers boys,


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so they have changed the email address that's linked to the account then? if they are able to reset it after you have reset it they know your security answer or have access to your emails or they have changed the email address...

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 12y 2m 17d
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We changed her email, password and put all her privacy info for only her to see, not even people on her friends list can see her email.

She only has 45 friends so I'm kinda stuck, it's really annoying

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Keep punching people. Eventually bound to punch the right person.

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If a unknown souce tries to log into mine that's hasnt been saved in devices, it sends a sms to my phone with a password

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 12y 2m 17d
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Bahahaha... Henz he approached me because of sh*t that ha been written on her wall which wasn't her lol the punching was by my choice mate.

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