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  • Team "I don't have no Falcon now"
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  • Member For: 21y 8m 14d
  • Location: Sydney Australia


Yep Country Road, Night time, oncoming car which ran down the centre of the road rather than move off just a little. So I ran wider then normal found the gravel that sits on the tarmac but not off the road surface. WHich became a tightish corner where the corner build up of crap was deeper. Locked up both left hand side tyres in the crap, went sideways , and after a short slide at an angle the left rear stopped moving as it went into the graded drain ditch berm at the side of the road which rotated the whole car with momentum and upside down we go!

THe rest well its in the pics.....

THe actual roll over was low speed, all I got was a cut knuckle from the glass from the windscreen, and the car ended upside down.

My failing was brake control when less than optimum surface was available, my reaction was to brake and steer slowly when in the gravel yet my braking force was too much anyway. Then having gone into a skid / slide countersteered (which left really funny marks on the road) just ran out of room.

I was travelling about 20 km/h below the posted limit on an unfamiliar road at night (with driving lights on however) at the time of the accident, but honestly mainly because the car wouldn't do the speed limit after the corners and big hill just before :lol:

The thing is the car coming the other way stopped and told the police that I was hooning (their words) but fortunately for me the car that was behind me said I wasn't and that the oncoming car failed to move over and forced me wide!


That's about the only accident I've had in my own car or bike. Amazing what you find when you are having a new years clean up!

Long post sorry!


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  • Member For: 21y 4m 4d
  • Location: Central Coast NSW

Cameron, I too rolled a car but landed on passenger side, my question is did you have to turn it off, cause mine was still idling and I reached up and turned ignition off, (funny but that's all I remember of it....). Good old Festy kept ya in 1 piece.

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  • Team "I don't have no Falcon now"
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  • Member For: 21y 8m 14d
  • Location: Sydney Australia

Nup she killed herself all on her ownsome!

I was more impressed with the fact that the Policeofficer said what is it some kinda MR2 or CRX is it mate? (The car was upside down at the time)

:-) lived on that line for the next little while!


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  • potty trained
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  • Member For: 21y 10m 17d
  • Gender: Male


you said something about your failing ....

when that slow-mo clock goes on and you see and hear absolutely everything but the hands and feet seem paralysed ... mate you didn't fail, you are alive !!



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