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Appealing License Supension?


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To the OP, mate I think you have made your position very clear. Don't feel that you need to continually justify yourself.

Tab, nicely managed.

Fluffy your really starting to find your feet. Hopefully in the near future, you become the first (that Im aware of), female Mod. It has become very apparent to me that your the brains behind your operation.

Back to the OP, my advice is to go to court, admit your wrong doing, and then seek a Hardship License. You will require a letter from your employer stating that without a license your employment will be terminated. Your previous record will be taken into consideration, as will any dependants. If you are granted a Hardship license you will be required to maintain a logbook, and have specific times. Don't get greedy when asked what times you would require. (Now I'm not sure whether these are applicable in Vic, as in Qld)

Good Luck, and always be prepared for the worst.


Edited by Impellor
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Also anyone who wants to argue that a speed zone is incorrect.. Take a few photos one day, post them here, measure the lane widths, tell me where it is on google earth and I bet I can explain exactly why that speedzone was chosen. There are hundreds if not thousands of different reasons for speed zoning.. and revenue isn't one of them..


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We've had 2 female mods before Alan, Phantomchic.& MISSXR


As for the topic...about a month ago I was pulled over for overtaking to fast, the car I overtook was dawdling along at 80 in a 100 zone with a car between it and me the second car wasnt going to overtake at anytime so I jumped the two of them at once, I was focused on the road ahead and didnt notice the pursuit car a couple of cars behind when I booted out around the other cars to over take. I was instantly over the speed limit the second I was into the next lane. I dont know what my terminal speed was as I was focused on the road not the speedo but it may have been 30+ over.

The pursuit car took a while to catch up to me I was courteous to the officer had my license ready for him when he got to the door and pointed out that I was focused on the road ahead and didnt notice the speed I was doing but that I was probably a little over the speed limit he did a license check and it came back clean for a number of years and he let me off with a warning.

The point I'm trying to make...it doesn't matter how cautious a driver you are these cars are in license loss territory in the blink of an eye before you even realize it and I could say without doubt that there isn't a single owner on this forum who hasn't been over a designated speed limit and breaking the law at one time or another.

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agree too. and once again ive been there - the pita factor is still all too clear to me.

I dont think any one is saying they dont or havent done it, but we dont go into these situations ignorant. dags, by your immediate response (getting licence out ready etc) you knew straight away that there was likely going to be a consequence for your decision on the road.

if you exceed the speed limit, there are going to be consequences when your caught.

if you dont want to have to appeal a sentence, then dont break the law.

if you find yourself with consequences, who put you in that situation anyway?

im not surprised the op doesnt get much sympathy on here...

ps fluffy for moderator.

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I don't believe the OP was seeking sympathy, just using this forum for what it's great at...to seek information and help each other out.

I have no time whatsoever for people that blatantly and intentionally do stupid sh*t on the roads that endangers life or property, any of the other mods (and a few sooky members) will attest to that as I'm a bit of a grumpy old bastard in that regard.

But when someone fcks up, knows that they have fcked up, cop the fine and demerit points on the chin, admit they were wrong, show remorse and modify their behavior...and are only seeking information on what can be done to avoid walking for a long period of time so it doesn't turn their life upside down then why shouldn't we willing to help a mate with any information or advice that we can?

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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this thread got so smart all of a sudden..lmao...

thanks impellor..but I am still a pup and miss behave a lot so I can't see it happening in the near future. lmao...

tab and dags are both right imo

good luck with it all bud and I hope she pans out alright

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Before my time. I think Fluffy would be good. She brings a balanced perspective. She lives with Jet, so she's clearly patient. Just kiddin Jet.


I may reconsider my perspective on this, considering the amount of time she spends with J@ she's clearly has experience dealing with people with special needs, and considering 99% of the member base on this forum have "special needs" it might just work out.

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