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Appealing License Supension?


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Like others have already said I wouldn't bother with a lawyer. It didn't help my brother in a similar situation and the money he could have saved would have gone a long way to paying for quite a few taxi fares to and from work.

Good luck and let us know how you go.

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I wasn't trying to make excuses and made no attempt to when I got pulled over. I was straight up with them and told them it was a dick move on my part and that I didn't realise the speed I was traveling at. I wasn't purposely speeding like your trying to make out, I wasn't thinking "hmm my street is a few hundred metres down the road, lets see how fast I can go!", I honestly did not realise. You guys know how easily these cars accelerate.

My driving style has changed quite a bit since being fined by the cops in October, not just because I got sent a letter from the RTA this week.

I'm not going to try and justify myself to these hypothetical situations, because that was not the scenario I was done in. Although I do see where you are coming from. I can guarantee you if there were cars/people around I would not have gone that fast down the street. FYI the street is 4 lanes wide with foot paths either side.

I will appeal this suspension.

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You are contradicting yourself?

One minute you didn't know you were speeding and the next you wouldn't have gone that fast if other cars/people were around?

Which one is it? You're gonna look like a dick in court at this rate

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Hmmm let's not turn this into a war of the keyboards hey? Haha

I think we all understand that you're not making excuses for your actions, but the fact you're wanting to appeal suggests you don't fully understand the potential damage these actions could have caused.

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What I meant by that, was that there wasn't a car in front of me which would have automatically capped my speed and most probably got me to look down at the speedo. Like I said in the original post, it had been a long day and I had just finished up at the gym. So I was tired and not as aware of my surroundings as I should have been. I understand I am 100% at fault for my actions and I'm not trying to divert any of that.

Wingnut, I'm not to fussed with what they're saying as it is of help for me as well.

If you would have seen my driving style for the 3 or so months, I have drastically changed it trying to improve my fuel economy (mind you my average speed is in the low 20's due to driving in traffic). The car is rarely driven on boost, but I did have a lapse in concentration here.

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Everyone with a modded T speeds everyday I put my foot down just to feel the 380rwkw one day I might be unlucky an when giving it a squirt in a 60-80k zone I'll be farked aswell! Honestly who doesn't give there car a squirt every now and then!

Man go to court all you can do is try! Good


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u were over the limit. you cop the fine and the punishment. I did when I was speeding. so did/have thousands of people. I had a clean driving record. just cause its clean dont mean sh*t.'

if you were paying attention to your speed etc then you wouldnt be in this mess. aint it 50kph unless sighed? if you didnt see a sighn then dont go over 50kph.

doubt you will get let off on suspension. maybe get a work licence like I did for working late at nigh when I was on late night restriction due to suspension....(had a 1 year restriction when I got license back)

Edited by jas98
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  • Sucker
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Wow...plenty of high horses in use at the moment. :blink:

The bloke fcked up, he is not denying it. He has learnt from his mistake and clearly already is remorseful...isn't that the whole point of punitive measures?

It's very easy to inadvertently do stupid sh*t in one of these vehicles - anyone that claims they never have themselves is either ready to be canonized or full of sh*t and being a hypocrite.

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  • Team Kickass
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Surprised with some of the comments, people can make mistakes just one question what was the speed zone, if it was a 40,or 50 chances of winning the appeal would be greatly reduced, also a clean driving record ususally refers to people with more than 10 years clean driving history be aware of that. The appeal is to quash the RTA commisioners decision, but the RTA commisioner can actually veto the magistrates decision if he wishes anyway. Good luck if you go ahead with the appeal.

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Lmao the offence you are referring to the punishment is legislation (the judge has no power to reduce the sentence) so that means unless you can prove to a judge that you were not speeding and the cops are lying (too late for that you admitted to the cops and that would go straight in the brief)

Maybe try the RTA commissioner lmao

Hope the bus stop is close

Edited by KeddyXR6T
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