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Appealing License Supension?


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total b.s. that a first time offender not hooning gets arse raped like that

He was doing 30+km/h over the limit, its not like thy lied about his speed..

Good luck mate sounds like you have the best chance of getting off the suspension. Ive gotten off a speeding fine by writing a letter, altho I was doing under 10km/h over the limit..

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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I know I just mean there was no intended malice and he was clearly not doing 120kms down a side street... just think a bit of digression might go a long way in instances like this.

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Yeah, we recorded both burnouts and put them on Youtube, displaying my license plater and license. Surprised ACA hasn't come visiting.... :P

I'm hoping all will go well, I guess time will tell!

Linky :)

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good luck. I was done for speeding (quite excessively- wot for 4 secs from 40kmh rolling start) and lost mine for 12 months.

that is sa which is tough on speeders, but I had no priors, good character references, and need my car to run my business (im a tradey).

dont waste time with lawyers- they tell you want you want to hear and you get the same sentence anyway- just with less money in your pocket.

look if you speed then you deserve the penalty, no ways about it. the fact that you have no priors may make a difference and shows that your an all round good guy on the street (like me) may sway them to give you the benefit of the doubt.

I hope so mate. I have had my licence back now for nearly 2 months and never want to go there again. it was a tough year.

whatever happens, learn from your mistake and think twice about your speed always.

good luck.

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Isnt over 30km classed as high range (I may be wrong)

I got done doing 147 in a 100 zone about 3.5 years ago on my reds and got 6 month loss of licence plus an rta notice saying no more points u get an extra 3 months. I appealed the extra 3 months, got sent to schooner school and after the course I got "let off" with only having to do 1 month extra.

Good luck with it all, sometimes if u get the wrong cop they can be a complete ass.

P.s I live in NSW

Edited by Falky100
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  • flame magnet
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hey falky- see your point, but no one forced you to do 50% faster than the limit.

the cop prol thought you were a complete ass for doing it. especially being a p plater and having little experience.

please dont get me wrong, not trying to have a go mate, but the fact is we know the law, choose to break it so need to accept there will be consequences.

I know this as much as anyone.

it also helps to put it in perspective- if you had killed someone, you would be in jail now... I often think of that. sobering isnt it?

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You were travelling 30kms+ over the speed limit... I think you should just cop it on the chin, do 3 hard months and I assure you it won't happen again.

Yes I speed no doubt, 30km/h? No way and I have over 10 years of driving hypo cars with a clean record to my credit. I'm not saying I wouldn't try and do the same if I was I'm your position but take a bit of time to think about what could have happened.

Good luck!

P.s sorry to be an ass I'm just very frustrated with seeing people die and watching the screws get tightened on us car enthusiasts because of incidents like this.

Edited by Wingnut
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hey falky- see your point, but no one forced you to do 50% faster than the limit.

the cop prol thought you were a complete ass for doing it. especially being a p plater and having little experience.

please dont get me wrong, not trying to have a go mate, but the fact is we know the law, choose to break it so need to accept there will be consequences.

I know this as much as anyone.

it also helps to put it in perspective- if you had killed someone, you would be in jail now... I often think of that. sobering isnt it?

Im not saying I wasnt in the wrong panda. Because its true, I was an absolute idiot and now I look back and think if something went wrong it could have ended in tradgedy. I probably deserved the 7 months and $1700 fine to go with it.

One thing for sure is when you losr your licence, you know your never going to do it again!

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Cop it on the chin champ...

If it was two streets to your house, they must've been less than 80km/h zone...

I have a daughter... And if you had have killed her, then you would have had to worry more than about your licence.

Stop making excuses... 30km/h over is not an accident. You were obviously being a dickhead... Now pay for it and learn from it.

Just because you have a clean driving record doesn't mean you don't drive like a dickhead regularly. It just means you may have been lucky!

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Just my point of view I think the fact that you didn't even realise you were speeding is the most dangerous part of this whole unfortunate situation. you have be come too complacent. sorry mate some time this is what one needs to realise there doing something wrong without even realising.

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