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Autotech Gt Goes 10.95 @ 130 Mph


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At times (exceptionally when my family gives me the heebie jeebies around not driving the car), I look at the FPV F6 likes PlayZ, and others , and I think , maybe if I had purchased a demo car (or a car like the one in this thread for sale), and then did this and that , and not been too worried about the altering the 'original' status of the car , I would most probably racked up many more fun k's ..........than if I purchased the RSpec ??? :dancing: ...........Then.............a few weeks go by , take the batmobile for a wash (especially those f - cken RED wheels) and I am head of heels again - love , lust , call it what you like , but you cant not wipe the smile from my face .. I am sure .........other cars would be fun ............but the emotion and sense of drama the batmobile makes me feel - suggests the batmobile was worth the pain of shifting through the many choices .. :dancing:

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