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Boost Cut


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  • Member For: 12y 2m 8d


I have a 2004 XR6T Falcon and it goes great except one issue I have noticed. When I am boosting around town (ie: up to 80kph in first and second gear) the car seems to boost smoothly and really throws me back into the seat. However when I'm on the open road and boost in third gear to get up to 100 - 140 I will often get a sudden power cut-out. The way to describe it would be similar to the Traction Control kicking in and limiting the engine. However I have been trying this with traction control disabled and it still does it. I am now thinking it may be something to do with a lack of fuel during these high demand longer boosts. Any suggestions on where to look or personal experience?


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  • Member For: 13y 2m 22d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Gold Coast

I have a 4in dump and 3.5in the rest of the way through, as soon as I boost 3rd and boost hard, bang there goes boost cut, so too stop this I called kev and process west and ordered stage 2.3 kit and pw surge tank and am about to take it in for a tune. 6 grand later with myself doing all the fitting isnt too bad of a cost I thought

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