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Should I Buy This Xr6T (Merged Topic)


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Hi Guys

After many years away, it's time to return.

I got a price on Sunday 26th of Jan as follows. Based on White Auto

XR6 Turbo - $38k drive away

XR6 Turbo (Luxury Pack) $42,500

Both 2013 build, but not in stock so I could not get the 2.9% finance.

What's this pricing like? What should I be aiming for?

Thanks, Josh

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Well I ended up getting a car on the weekend, ended up getting a mk2 2012 plated xr6 turbo, white/auto/luxury pack for just a tad over 40k from Sydney, hardest thing was I went to three different dealers, they are all flat out at the moment because of the finance offer, and many were not willing to budge much on price as January had been a bit of a bumper month for sales with the finance offer.

One dealership wanted 42k for a non turbo luxury pack! Dreaming! Went to the dealership with the car I wanted ( luxury pack etc) and offered him 39k and I would sign then and there, otherwise I was going to look elsewhere, he told me there was very little margin and he could not come any lower then 41100, so I walked.

Went to another dealership who had a few in stock, but only 2 standard xr6 turbos and one ltd edition, he said the best be could do this month with the sales offer was 41k for a standard xr6 or 42.5 with the ltd edition, maybe a bit better if I was ready to buy there and then. Told him about the luxury pack at the other dealership for 41k and he basically said that's a great deal and he couldn't match it, even said it would be a struggle for him to sell the standard one at that price.

Called the other guy back up, told him what I had found elsewhere (with a porky or two thrown in) and managed to get the price dropped a touch and some basic extras thrown in (floormats/iPod cable) etc. and it was done

So am now the happy owner I a brand new xr6 turbo (feels wierd I have always been a Expensive Daewoo fan)

From my experience I reckon you could get them a bit cheaper depending on the time, it seems that the finance offer has really helped make some numbers up and hence they are less likely to do deals this month (one of the salesmen that I wasn't dealing with but just havin a chat to was having a bumper month, said he had already put pen to paper on three cars on saturday morning already and it was only lunchtime) . I think trying to find a car really quickly before the finance offer was over probably worked against me slightly as well, but I do really like the car I ended up getting and can't wait to pick it up tomorrow.

Edited by chops_rx2
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I paid 24k for a 2012 fg turbo mk2 with the zf auto. How you ask? It had hail damage on it. But stuff all! I wasn't looking at a new car, was happy with my bf N/A but couldn't resist the price. I'm a spray painter by trade so u got it looked at to have the hail dents removed. Cost me nothing through work and youd never know it had hail. WIN

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Seems like some of you have got some good deals out there. I just bought a 2010 fg xr6t was built on dec 31st though so basicly a 2011 model. had 47 thousand kms on it. It had fabric protection done on it with lifetime warranty apparently so the book says anyway. GPS built in as well. I managed to get them to throw in another 3 years extended warranty as well and a full tank of petrol, lol. Cost me 31.5 k was pretty happy with that.

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Curious to know when people bought used xr6t's whether they preffered stock ones to ones with mods already done? The same question to people who have sold their t's.

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Personally, it wouldnt matter if I knew the owner, and knew how they treated their car. After reading the way some on here drive there cars, no way would I buy either way :buba:

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