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Heat Wrapping Exhaust


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  • The Toxic Rocket
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Hey folks,

In my conversion I hadn't put the heat shields down the side of the dump or anything like that. A few members have mentioned that it's not a good

idea to get he power-steering lines too hot and stuff by the dump.

As well as that, I notice the foot well of my ute gets HOT AS F***.

Just a few things I'm wondering. I want to insulate the car from the heat of the exhaust, but in doing so I'm going to trap all that extra heat inside the exhaust.

Is it going to be any sort of issue or will the difference in temperature be negligible? Secondly, will it even be worth it?

I'm looking at getting some stuff off ebay - heat wrap glass\titanium fiber? And wrap from the dump back to the end of the cab, possibly even the manifold too.

After opinions and advice, thanks.

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heat wrap is good buds ive used it on a few of my cars but man I was itchy afterwards..lol try using gloves when putting it on your headers! oh also dip the heat wrap in a little water before you wrap anything that way when it heats up it will shrink perfectly tight...

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  • The Toxic Rocket
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How much have you wrapped up? I done a bit of a search on here and it was mixed opinions. Same people claimed that heat wrapping the headers caused them to crack.

I might do a bit of DIY brackets for the shields but also do the wrapping. What kind of stuff did you use? I could imagine the glass fiber stuff being itchy, thanks for the heads up!

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heat wrap will have the opposite effect of making them crack. The heat gets trapped in and they cool slower.

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Heat wrapping is a great option. It helps retain heat within the system, and therefore will produce more efficient exhaust flow due to this heat retention.Should also assist with reduced underbonnet temps. Win / Win.


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