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Cat What's The Point ?


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  • Member For: 16y
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  • Location: Melbourne

^^Can I get one that has "With a broomstick" on it as well^^

Listen the best way to find out who's right and deserves the morale ground is.........

Run a pipe from the end of your exhaust into the rear passenger side window (AG pipe works fine $4/meter from bunnings)

do up the rest of your window's start it up and count to 1000

Let me know the results between the one with a cat and the one without

Edited by KeddyXR6T
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  • Member For: 13y 10m 7d

When a car is tuned the air fuel ratio is optimized for efficiency and desrtricting the car makes it more efficient. The earth has been around for a few 1000 million years and car,s contribution to environment pollution is about 1.5% of the total.so a few cars with no cat, punched cat , free flowing cat is infinite small in the scheme of pollution. Put the volcano and other natural causes of pollution in jail !

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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  • Member For: 15y 5m 22d
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depends who's children as to weather I give a I <3 Bananas lol

freakin that about those disgusting old trucks and cars that blow thick black smoke ... exhaust marks all up the back of the car..do they get a massive fine... no

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  • Member For: 13y 10m 7d

They are a creation of the fear mongering green brigade. Pollution is within.its a mind thing.the world is actually fine and flowing. Cat takes more money to make with all the precious metals than its effectiveness.its like leaded petrol.engine life was three times better than a vehicle on leaded petrol.how about the pollution in mining , machining, creating , refurbishing and repairing engine and components. Its all frigging economics. I NEED A 100 CELL CAT.any suggestions? Do I wait till I fit my 4" dump or get one for stock dump and 3" cat back? Do I need a tune? As my stock frigging CAT is DEAD!

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