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Something Is Wrong With My Baby?


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Hey there everyone thanks for reading.I have something strange happening,

I have a 05 xr6t 6spd man.130000ks its stock standard apart from cold air and bigger cooler. when in 4th 5th 6th gear and accelerating at about 3-4000 rpm it looses all power and will run rough for about 20secs then come good again. in 1st and 2nd you can rev all the way out and its fine. its only mid 3rd gear or above it starts. there is no warning lights or anything come on.its only happened about 3 times and im scared to make it do this. it will be tuned in about a month (I work over west for a month at a time) where I have alot of goodies ready to go in. I would rather sort this problem out first though.

what happens is the same as bionic_oosty's post from earlier this yr,his ended up being the the new clutch load points had changed and had to be re-tuned. is this a common thing? as its the only forum ive found with this problem??

ive spent the last 4hrs going through forums and google searches trying to find the answer,everyone ive read says valve springs or coils or fuel. I know its not coils as theve been tryed and valve springs failing on a stock car seems a lil unlikely though possible. but doesnt explain the high revs being fine in 1st and 2nd gear?? altho there is more load at higher speeds I understand that,but why would it run like poo for 20secs or so then come fine? an fuel is always ran with 98oct and idles fine and there has been no backfire or ping when this happens.

any help would be hugely appreciated.


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1: how did you check your coils?

2: valve springs with those k's could be soft

3: diff bush will also cause those symptoms

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I never run it below a quarter. had over 3qtr first time it happened and half the second time. the fuel pump was replaced before I purchased the car. im prity confident its not fuel related.

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diff bush was replaced before I purchased the car.

actually almost everything was,rotors,pads,springs. all had to be for road worthy. I have the recepts and everyhting from the person I purchased from.

my friend has a xr6t as well so just swapped the coils and no comprenday.

was thinking valve springs,but why only at higher speed in higher gears?? more load on the motor I figure? how would this explain the running rough for 20secs after?

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  • I see a red door and I want to paint it black
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defs valve springs if it runs rough after

and yes more load on the engine due to gearing

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