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  • Member For: 17y 2m 3d
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Hey guys, so after suffering my withdrawals from selling the XR T I have now moved on by buying a Ford Cortina TD XLE as a project car.

It is purplish in colour, with black & white trim & hubcaps. The body requires abit of work with some rust in the usual spots but nothing major and is straight as.

Should be picking it up one day this week so ill post up some pics when they come to hand.


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  • Member For: 17y 2m 3d
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Would be nice, I need to weigh up my options first. see how much wok is required in getting a barra motor into the corty or get a 351 for the noise factor but I hear its gotten heaps harder to get anything engineered these days.

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  • Member For: 17y 2m 3d
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  • Location: sydney

As promised pics are up:

The beast... Well the better side of it anyway


Black and white vinyl interior




4 Banger


I also got with my purchase another guard plus a 6 cyl bonnet with (has bludge).

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Why ??.. If you are going to tip money into a project - look to do so - with the a project that has the promise of some return .. Cortina with a 351 and nitro where what the kids were doing in the late 70's that were not able to afford XUI, Monaro, XW, XY, etc ..

I understand that a those car's today in fair condition - could cost you as much as a current FG - but I can't understand why on existing out of a current 2003 XR6 - how you could enjoy driving a 75 boat ???

Please - do not take offense - it is something I just wouldn't do - because to do well - will cost you alot - and the return will be minimal

Sorry for being negative and raining on your parade :buba:

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  • Member For: 17y 2m 3d
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  • Location: sydney

Hey spinning no offence taken.

But to answer some of your questions,

As to tipping my money into a project for minimal return, do you really think throwing money at your XR will net you profit, I sold my XR for less then what I paid for it standard with all the modifications.

I was also looking for a XW, XY rollers months before I sold it but but only found rust buckets or wankers wanting to much and heading into a wedding I simply couldnt afford it at the time, I found this cortina which I scored for $2k oh I have allready had people offer me $4k for it but you know.

Another thing is that I am surrounded by mates in the automotive/fabrication business so for me to get work done would cost me alot less or next to nothing (supplying materials) then it would some one else.

The enjoyment will come from the satisfaction of me knowing I built it myself.

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