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Ba Xr6T Screaming Turbo , Massive Loss Of Boost


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  • Member For: 12y 3m 10d

hi all, just looking for a few opinions on whats going on with my xr6t,

ok so its a ba , auto , process west stage 3 cooler , bosch 404 with surge tank , heavy valve springs , 4inch dump into twin 2half inch , high flow cat , 60plb injectors, tuned by clint , profile autosports, he has done a brilliant job , from what the car was when I bought it to how it drives up untill today has been an exceptional improvement , 321.2rwkw on 19psi , box has been tricked up also ,

ok so I had a great play with a supercharged ford ute yesterday , probably the hardest I have pushed my car for a while , and just this arfternoon I started noticing a distinct lack of power, the turbo seems to be screaming ? its making a sort of high pitched scream when I have it on full noise , also its only reading 4.5ish psi on full noise , I have a eboost2 in my dash and I has been on 19psi for the last 8 months or so, since I had it turned up and tunned , the motor is running perfectly , it idles and has the normal power under the turbo , but is only boosting to 4ish psi ???? I checked all the pipping from the turbo to the intercooler and to the throtle body and it all seems fine , so? buggerd turbo ? replacement options ? I had a look at a few aftermarket turbos , if I whent one of them would I need to get it tunned again ? cheers all

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  • Member For: 12y 3m 10d

yah im going to call him tomorrow , I dont want to bother him after hours, just thought I would post on here to get some opinions , as it is im feeling pretty sh*t about it and thinking im gona be up for another few g , and to top it off , I just paid for a big stereo that's being installed tomorrow , so what cash I had spare has gone into that atm :S

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  • Member For: 12y 3m 10d

lol a screamer would prob be a bit much for me considering it a daily driver , yah im sure clint will sort it , he lives about 2 hrs south of me though so a bit painfull plus I work flat out so finding the time is an issue , I will check the exhaust manifold tomorrow , but to take the heat shield off to have a suss of whats back there , I should be tightning the bolts back up with a torque wrench ,,,? shouldnt I ? I dont have a torque wrench , so just make sure they are tight like a half turn after nip tight style? sh*t was easier back when I had a 4runner lol I dint give a sh*t and actually fixed a heap of things myself cause I wasnt so worried about 'what if I dont do it perfectly' but yah id hate to stuff up my xr6 , its my babie,

cheers for the posts , food for thought

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