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Fg Xr6 Turbo Seat Rail Rust


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Was just looking under my driver's side seat and saw this! :o The passenger's seat has a little rust as well, but not as much. Has anyone else suffered this problem, and if so, what did you do about it? Note: before I bought my car, when I was shopping around, I noticed quite a few FGs with the same thing, so it's obviously a widespread problem (at least in Brisbane). Mine didn't have any when I bought it, but obviously it does now!seatrust.jpg

Edited by cujo_r33
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  • Member For: 12y 7m 12d
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I would take it to ford of claim that on insurance.

My FG when brand new had the aerial replaces because it was leaking water down the roof lining behind the dash and into the floor pan.

When I was speaking to a professional car cleaner that comes to my work. I had him check over my car because I had noticed a slight smell after the car had been sitting with the windows up after either a car wash or rain.

He told me he has seen this problem many times with the new Fords, he says the floor pan under the carpet isn't flat ( not sure how to explain it, bit like rows of ridges ) and water sits in there and creates bacteria, which in return gives a smelly sock type odour.

Does your car give off an interior odour when its been sitting after a big rain or something similar? Could be a cause of water getting into the cabin under the carpet and corroding some parts.

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Although I guess it's always possible any 2nd hand car may have seen a flood, in this particular instance I'd say it's very, very unlikely. Admittedly, when I was seeing this problem in other cars the place I was noticing it was not the seat rail (although I can't recall whether I ever checked a seat rail), but the seat frame itself, just next to the seat belt clasp. I would be stunned if any FG XR6 owners (particularly Brisbane owners) whose car is more than a year or two old doesn't have at least minor indications of rust in this area, because as I mentioned, it was present in almost every car I looked at when shopping around. Perhaps I was just lucky enough to look at all the worst examples in Brisbane? :superstition:

ps I've owned the car for 8 months, and it's a late 2010 model.

Edited by cujo_r33
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A lot more then just the seat rail would be copping some rust if it got hit by any type of flood.

Mind you general seat rail rust is extremely common in all cars in the actual seat, under the dash, foor pedals heaps of places get surface rust that you wouldn't beleive. I have pulled apart near new wrx's with rusty as hell seat frames.

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