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Rattling In Back Of My Xr6T


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  • Menace
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  • Member For: 13y 10m 18d
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said this one just the other day but try pulling the handbrake up a few clicks while driving over the bumps and see if it goes away... let us know how ya go with it.

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  • Member For: 14y 1m 16d
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it prob will be the centre bearing/cv in the alloy tailshaft or the diff bushes - I'm getting quotes of $3,000 to fix both - how many km and how hard has it been driven - is it manual as my 6 speed makes a soft clunk when engaging gears.

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  • Menace
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Diff bushes usually give a hard thud as if the dif is going to bash thru the floor during hard gear changes in a manual and when your on and off the throttle slidin in an auto. The rubber bush bearing near the uni on the metal tail shaft is unlikely to make a rattle sound when there farkt it's more of a whole bunch of little donk donk donk sounds. I doubt it's a 3k rattle rule out all the simple stuff 1st ;)

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  • Member For: 22y 1m 5d
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Do you have a tow bar fitted?

If so sometimes they weld a little bit of wire to the retaining nuts that are in the chassis rails to help line them up.

If the don't remove them they rattle around and give you the sh*ts.

Good luck


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Is it a rattle or more of a knock. Because I had a sound like the spare wheel was jumping around over bumps so I checked everything then had it checked by Pedders and Ford and replaced a couple of bushes here n there n nothing. Wasn't until I changed my diff bushes that it went away. But my sound was like a knock/thud

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  • Cruise Whore
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Do you have a tow bar fitted?

Mate, if you have a tow bar - what deek says is worth checking out. I had a towbar fitted to one of my T's a few years ago (I think every XR I've had I've either optioned or bought it with a towbar) - during the installation they spot weld a nut to the end of a piece of wire so they can reach in from the back to hold the nut in place whilst they do up a bolt. Issue is, as deek showed me one day at a FPV open day, is the lax buggers don't snip the wire back far enough to the nut and leave a fair amount of it dangling there so that it rattles around next to the towbar. This may not be applicable to you but it sure brought alot of relief to me after deeks sorted this out for me (power of the Forum :roflmbo: ) with a pair of wire snips :thumbsup:

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