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Annoying Noises.


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  • Member For: 12y 7m 17d
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Have an FG MkII XR6T Ute with a custom tray, Ive had it lowered both front and rear.

For a few months now Ive noticed a squeak in the rear right wheel (usually on every rotation), but as soon as you tap the breaks the squeak is gone, Ive had it looked at and ford cant seem to fix the issue.

Also, when going from a complete stop to moving, I hear a loud creaking noise in the back, Ive tightened things and tried jumping on the tray but no noise, only when I accelerate from a standstill do I hear it.


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  • Member For: 12y 7m 26d
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The ford service manager took my car for a drive for me today, I asked him a lot of questions reguarding bent axels etc because I had a noise in the back.

He said the noise I had was hand brake shoe related, it needed a adjustment and a good clean out.

He also said another common noise to get from the back is a squeek, pause, squeak, pause. It's because FG series vehicles has very weak axels, you would be supprised how weak the way he explained them. The squeak you have described is a bent rear right axel making your rotor wiggle out of wack.

I would be taking your car into ford and getting one of them to take it for a test drive then book it in for a fix.

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  • Member For: 12y 7m 26d
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I also forgot to mention.

Lowered utes with leaf springs can bend axels quite easily. Main reason being is when you lower the back, the leaf sits flat, and when you take off with decent force ( ALOT of weight in the back or peeling out hard ) the leaf trys to bend in the shape of an S pulling the axel up and forward twisting it.

Having aftermarket rear leaf's can solve this because there generally a stiffer leaf allowing less movement. Other option is to buy those brakets that eliminate axel tramp.

It sounds far fetched but when you think about it, it makes sence.

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  • Member For: 12y 7m 17d
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Cheering.. sounds like its going to be fun getting it sorted out.

Anyone have a rough price for a new axle and is there other stronger makes or recommendations.

Ive had the leafs strengthened too a 1 tonne load, then had it lowered about 2 inches, tyres tuck nicely under the tray but springs are flat.

Would best option be to get a set of 2nd hand original leafs and throw them in before I take it to Ford??

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