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Why Is My Steering Clicking?


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Hey all.. Car just started making some reasonably loud clicking sounds while steering. If im just sitting in my drive way in park and turn the wheel to 2 o clock then go back the other way, it clicks.. also on full turns etc. Annoying!!

What could it be?

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  • Member For: 21y 6m 6d
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  • Location: Townsville

My BA always had the clicking problem and it wasn't the rack mounting bolts in my case. This generally progresses to clunking etc where I then just got the rack replaced for a reconditioned unit.

To be honest I am not sure what causes the clicking but I did also have it in my EF and AU that I have owned although they didn't require replacing over time like the BA did!

My friends (ray076) 09 fg xr6t has always had a clunk and gear like grind when near full lock and exiting a driveway or similar circumstance. He has never had it seen to though...

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  • Member For: 13y 7m 11d
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The au's had a noise associated with a weld missing on the rack stud causing it to come loose, fg steering clunk when reversing out of driveway on full lock is normal they all do it. Fpv gts had it the worst and a revised upper control arm bush was released to dampen the noise but it will never go away.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 7m 11d
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Ah sorry I also shouldve read the op's post properly! Fg gt's have a click sound associated with the power steering switch. Some have it worse than others. Also normal but If the switch is replaced it may dampen the noise somewhat

Edited by bionicxr6t05
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