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Car Seems To Be Unusually Hot At Idle


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  • Member For: 13y 3m 24d
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Hi guys.

I have noticed on 2 occasions now that my car seems to be getting unusually hot at idle when I turn the car on from a cold start.

Tonight I started the car from a reasonably cold start and was waiting for the wife for maybe 15 mins or so outside of the car (while the car is warming up). And when I hopped in to drive away the temperature read just under half way, which is more than what I usually see it at. I must admit I dont usually let the car idle that long so cant really say whether it is normal or not, but when I drove away and gave it a boot full or two the temperature dropped back down to slightly over halfway inbetween quarter and half (where it usually is).

When I got home, I checked the overflow bottle, it was full. I checked the oil about a week ago, it was also right.

But just thought id throw it out there to see if this is something out of the norm or whether I should not need to worry.

Cheers John.

P.s Tonight is a cool night also, this is why it seemed more unusual to me.

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  • Member For: 13y 3m 24d
  • Gender: Male

awesome, thanks for the replies.

Yes my car is basically stock. I take it the thermo fans are the crazy loud fans I hear come on sometimes on a hot day, ie, obviously when the car gets past halfway.

But thanks again for the replies!

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