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Iphone 5 Vs Galaxy S3


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Flash is becoming a non-issue. Adobe finally realised that HTML5 is better for the web, especially mobile devices and no longer actively develops it, only doing security updates before dropping support in the future.

While the Galaxy CPU may have more cores and be faster, I haven't seen it beat the iPhone in any of the benchmarks review sites have done so far. Part of this will be due to the A6 being a newer architecture than the Samsung (similar to Ivy Bridge vs Sandy Bridge) and part of it is Apple's optimisation that they spend heaps of time doing.

It could be argued the iPhone supports HDMI and MicroUSB as there are adapters (which ignores the fact Apple retain their own adapter because MicroUSB is no good for Analogue Audio Out or Line Out or Video Screen Display in cars).

I'm surprised they haven't mentioned some of the Galaxy S3's software things like picking it up to call someone, etc.

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I've gone for the new iPhone in the end. Needed to upgrade the 3GS and I skipped the iPhone 4/4s. The sheer size of the Samsung really turned me off. When did companies start thinking we want bigger phones? It's the reverse of the past 20-30 years

I guess I will be finding out how well the new lighting connector and adapter will work with the fg1 icc. Called up ford but they had no clue

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  • Skid Machine
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A few mates have picked up the iphone 5 in the last week and most of them ha battery issues. It was just a simple software update but a pain none the less.

I think I'll just stick with my Samsung. So much easier to drag and drop your files than having to use itunes.

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I like my Galaxy because, I can print from it to any network printer, it's an identidied device on my home network for file interchange,I can work with files that are not just music, pictures, or video. I can control where my files come and go from. I can hook into my office networks. It works really good in my XR6T. No issues at all. Apple works good with Apple. full stop. If you have Macbooks, iPads and all that get an iPhone. It makes sense. If you work in the real world of business and needing to interface with just about anything, then Android is the way to go. IMO anyway. I think they are both good devices, just get the one that gives you the flexibility you need. Wife has a Galaxy 1. had it for a couple years and has worked well. She got an iPad a years ago and now her phone needs replacing. I told her without hesitation to get an iPhone. It makes sense.

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Who cares?

Get the product that suits your needs and taste.

Who give a sh*t which is faster etc.

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I generally suggest iPhone for people who are less tech savy, but then again even my parents got galaxy S1's and have loved them. I'm in I.T. so it's a no brainer for me to go Android :)

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The iPhone is the Expensive Daewoo v8. Everyone's got one and says they're the best and fastest just because they won't try the other one.

Maybe the Samsung is the xr6t or f6. Because people that have them know they're better and can't wait to show the person in the Expensive Daewoo that theirs can smash it and wipe te smirk off their face.

In saying that I still have an iPhone until my plan runs out. Upgraded from the 3 to the 4 because I thought it would be an improvement. Wrong same phone same problems and now there are other better ones. Until then I'll just have to struggle with my phone second iPhone that's speaker shat itself straight away and can't hear people and people can't hear me and can't download sh*t and can't put files in folders so frustrating aaaaaaaaaaaah

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  • Turboless
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Hahaha quite true ^ :P

Got in the bosses car Monday morning for work and said I got the s3. Apprentice asks why that and not the iPhone 5. Even though I sold my iPhone 4 and got the galaxy nexus a yr ago...

Said to him "because its better than the iPhone"

Felt like saying because iPhones are sh*t but didn't want to hurt all the feelings of the 3 other people in the car with iPhone's hahaha

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